right now I try to create the following diagram with Tikz:
But I have problems to create the arrows between the different nodes, especially the arrow between the node amcl, sensor transforms and odometry source, the arrow "/tf", which goes from the arrow, described above, to the node move_base. The last arrow, where I have problems, goes from the sensor sources to the arrow between local costmap and global costmap.
Could anyone help me creating this picture?
Thank you very much in advance!
My code right now looks like this:
\node[draw, minimum height=1cm, minimum width=3.7cm, scale=0.75](amcl) at (0,1.6){amcl};
\node[draw, minimum height=1cm, minimum width=3.7cm, scale=0.75](sensor transforms) at (0, 0){sensor transforms};
\node[draw, minimum height=1cm, minimum width=3.7cm, scale=0.75](odometry source) at (0, -1.6){odometry source};
\node[draw, minimum height=1cm, minimum width=3.7cm, scale=0.75](map server) at (14, 1.6){map server};
\node[draw, minimum height=1cm, minimum width=3.7cm, scale=0.75](sensor sources) at (14, 0.0){sensor sources};
\node[draw, minimum height=6cm, minimum width=7cm](move base) at(7,0){};
\node[draw, ellipse, text width=1.5cm, scale=0.75](global planner) at(5.3,1.6){global planner};
\node[draw, ellipse, text width=1.5cm, scale=0.75](global costmap) at(8.8,1.6){global costmap};
\node[draw, ellipse, text width=2.4cm, scale=0.75](local planner) at(5.3, -1.6){local planner};
\node[draw, ellipse, text width=2.5cm, scale=0.75](local costmap) at(8.8, -1.6){local costmap};
\node[draw, ellipse, text width=1.75cm, scale=0.75](recovery behaviors) at(7.05, 0.0){recovery behaviors};
\node[draw, minimum height=1cm, minimum width=3.7cm, scale=0.75](base controller) at (5.3, -4.0){base controller};
\draw[->](map server) -- (global costmap);
\draw[->](global costmap) -- (global planner);
\draw[->](global planner) -- (local planner);
\draw[->](local costmap) -- (recovery behaviors);
\draw[->](local costmap) -- (local planner);
\draw[->](global costmap) -- (recovery behaviors);
\draw[<->](global costmap) -- (local costmap);
\draw[->](local planner) -- (base controller);
\draw[->](odometry source) -- (local planner);
\draw[->](amcl) -- (sensor transforms); \draw[->](sensor transforms)-- (odometry source);\draw[<->](local costmap)-- (global costmap);
to get these arrows.