I would like to use the hyperref
package to highlight the citations and urls in blue in the text (\usepackage[colorlinks,citecolor=blue,urlcolor=blue]{hyperref}
), as well as later using hyperref
to link Figure citations to the corresponding figure page.
However, I use a custom figure environment to handle captions spanning multiple pages in case of large figures/large captions.
When I set the hyperref package
, the captions that spanned multiple pages raise a warning
Package caption warning: The option 'hypcap=true' will be ignored for this particular \caption.
How can I concile large caption spanning multiple pages with package hyperref
Here is my code:
\usepackage[a4paper,width=150mm,top=25mm,bottom=25mm, bindingoffset=6mm]{geometry}
\usepackage[font={small,sf}, singlelinecheck=false]{caption}
\captionof{figure}[My Figure Title.]{Very very large caption}