Is there an overlay specification for \frame<...>{ that yields the last version of the frame if the frame is built with relative overlays?

The handout version achieves this, but sets it globally. I'm looking for a frame-specific solution. I think it works (not elegantly) with \frame<N>{ for some sufficiently large N.

  • 2
    Note that \frame is only provided for compatibility with old documents, it was superseeded by \begin{frame} <content> \end{frame}, see section 8.1 footnote 1 of the beameruserguide
    – BambOo
    Commented May 12, 2020 at 21:29

1 Answer 1


Not sure what you mean by overlay (\pause, \only, \uncover, ...), but it is possible to modify the behaviour of the command before a specific frame, and restore it right after. For instance:



First sentence
Second one

First sentence
Second one

First sentence
Second one


Frames 1 and 3 use the default behaviour of pause, while frame 2 behaves like there is no \pause.

  • 1
    To clarify my question: If I had absolute overlay specification such as <3-5,8> on say \items then I can freeze my frame at a given overlay counter. For relative overlay specifications there is a similar hidden counter that increments by + or \pause. With \frame<N> I can still freeze my frame (or replay it with \againframe<N>{label}). Is there a direct way of getting the last counter for a frame? Note that I might also have a <+> element that is not on the last version of my frame. So just disabling the \pause does not answer my question.
    – Arne
    Commented Nov 29, 2019 at 14:34

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