I have an algorithm code and a figure, and I'm trying to put them together in the same row. There is the code:

\State $m_0 \gets entrenar\_modelo(\mathcal{D}_{l})$
    \State $m \gets entrenar\_modelo(\mathcal{D}_{l})$
    \For {$x \in \mathcal{D}_{u}$}
        \If {max $m(x) > \tau$}
            \State $\mathcal{D}_{l} \gets \mathcal{D}_{l} \cup \{(x, p(x))\}$
\Until {las predicciones no sean confiables}

    \caption{Método semi-supervisado de auto-entrenamiento}
  • 1
    Welcome! Could you provide a MWE? There are several errors in this code, and it cannot directly be compiled. You should provide an example starting with \documentclass{...} and ending with \end{document} so others can see exactly what's wrong.
    – Vincent
    Commented Dec 8, 2019 at 22:47

1 Answer 1


A horrible hack to persuade algorithm to draw shorter lines.




\hsize=\textwidth % <--------- THE HACK!
\State $m_0 \gets \textit{entrenar\_modelo}(\mathcal{D}_{l})$
    \State $m \gets \textit{entrenar\_modelo}(\mathcal{D}_{l})$
    \For {$x \in \mathcal{D}_{u}$}
        \If {max $m(x) > \tau$}
            \State $\mathcal{D}_{l} \gets \mathcal{D}_{l} \cup \{(x, p(x))\}$
\Until {las predicciones no sean confiables}
    \caption{Método semi-supervisado de auto-entrenamiento}


Use \textit if you want words in italics inside math.

enter image description here

  • Thanks!! It works perfect!!
    – ambigus9
    Commented Dec 9, 2019 at 14:22

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