Let u = cross(OA,OB)
and v = (B) - (A)
, then direction vector of the line that you want is found by cross(u,v)
. By calculating, we have cross(u,v)= {-a^2 b, 0, -a b^2}
. I use {a,0,b}
as direction vector of the line. Then I write the equation of the line through X
and has direction vector, I get the point Y = (\b/4 -\a,0,3*\a/4-\b)
on this line. The line though two points X
and Y
. I add the projection point H
of the point O
on the line AB
. Note that, XY
is parallel to OH
\documentclass[margin=5pt, tikz]{standalone}
\coordinate[label=left:$O$] (O) at (0,0,0);
\coordinate[label=below:$B$] (B) at (\b,0,0);
\coordinate[label=below:$A$] (A) at (0,0,\a);
\coordinate[label=below:$X$] (X) at (\b/4,0,3*\a/4);
\coordinate[label=below:$Y$] (Y) at (\b/4 -\a,0,3*\a/4-\b);
\coordinate[label=below:$H$] (H) at ({\a*\a*\b/(\a*\a+\b*\b)}, 0, {\a*\b*\b/(\a*\a+\b*\b)});
\draw[] (A) -- (B);
\draw[help lines] (O) -- (A);
\draw[help lines] (O) -- (B);
\draw[red] (Y) -- (X) ;
\draw[blue] (O) -- (H) ;
\begin{scope}[-latex, shift={(-0.5*\a,0.5*\a,0)}]
\foreach \P/\s/\Pos in {(1,0,0)/x/below, (0,1,0)/y/left, (0,0,2)/z/right}
\draw[] (0,0,0) -- \P node[\Pos, pos=0.9,inner sep=2pt]{$\s$};
In the above code, The coordinates of the point H
is found by Maple soft. Based on this answer, you don't need find it.
\documentclass[tikz,border=1 mm,12pt]{standalone}
\tikzset{intersection of line trough/.code args={#1 and #2 with plane
containing #3 and normal #4}{%
\ifdim\ltest pt<0.01pt
\message{Plane and line are parallel!^^J}
\pgfkeysalso{insert path={%
(0,0,0) coordinate (O)
(\b,0,0) coordinate (B)
(0,0,\a) coordinate (A)
({\a*\a*\b/(\a*\a+\b*\b)}, 0, {\a*\b*\b/(\a*\a+\b*\b)}) coordinate (H')
3d coordinate={(myn)=(A)-(B)}
\path[intersection of line trough={(A) and (B) with plane containing
(O) and normal (myn)}]
coordinate (H);
\foreach \p in {A,B,O,H}
\draw[fill=black] (\p) circle (1.5pt);
\foreach \p/\g in {A/135,B/90,O/180}
\path (\p)+(\g:3mm) node{$\p$};
\draw (A) -- (B) -- (O) -- cycle;
\path[red] foreach \X in {H}
{(\X) node[above] {$\X$} (\X') node[below] {$\X'$}};
\draw (O) -- (H);
With 3dtools
\begin{tikzpicture}[3d/install view={phi=110,psi=0,theta=60},
dot/.style={circle,inner sep=0pt,
minimum size=2pt,fill}]
\draw[every coordinate node/.append style={dot}]
(2,1,2) coordinate[label=above:{$A$}] (A) --
(1,2,1) coordinate[label=below:{$B$}] (B) --
(2,0,0) coordinate[label=below:{$C$}] (C) -- cycle
(0,0,0) coordinate[label=above:{$O$}] (O)
(3,-2,1) coordinate[label=below:{$D$}] (D);
\path[3d/plane through={(A) and (B) and (C) named pABC},
3d/plane with normal={(1,1,1) through (C) named ptwo},
3d/line through={(A) and (B) named lAB},
3d/line through={(O) and (D) named lOD}];
% project point on plane
\path[3d/project={(O) on pABC}] coordinate (O');
% project point on line
\path[3d/project={(C) on lAB}] coordinate (C');
% intersection of plane and line
\path[3d/intersection of={lOD with pABC}] coordinate (I);
\draw[dashed] (C) -- (C')
coordinate[dot,label=above right:{$C'=\pgfmathparse{TD("(C')")}%
\path (O') coordinate[dot,label=right:{$O'=\pgfmathparse{TD("(O')")}%
\path (I) coordinate[dot,label=above:{$I=\pgfmathparse{TD("(I)")}%