I have a very embarrassing question about TeXnicCenter. I'm sure this is very stupid, but it is driving me crazy.
Normally, when you build a .tex
file TeXnicCenter displays the build output (errors, warnings, etc.) in long horizontal window underneath the .tex
For example, this can be seen in the following image from the TeXnicCenter website: http://www.texniccenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/gui.png
However, I somehow did something, and now my build output appears in a long vertical window on the left side of my screen, where the project outline appears in the image above.
I cannot for the life of me move it back. I have tried dragging and dropping, and/or unpinning the build output window, but these do not allow me to put it back below the .tex
. I have tried right-clicking the horizontal area below the .tex
and clicking "build output" but that only replaces the build output window on the left side.
EDIT: To use the language Mensch used in his answer (which didn't work for me), I would like the build output window to be "docked" below the .tex, not to the left of it. Here is a photo of what my situation looks like
I'd like to return the build output window to be docked below the tex, as in the first image in my post.
I'm sure this is very silly, but can anyone give me a clue here?