The Koma-script class scrreprt
does not provide numbering of \subsubsection
. I would like to have, if possible, \subsubsection
available like \subsection
. I have found a solution but the question is asking more advanced formatting which is not what I want.
1 Answer
In the KOMA classes, the counter secnumdepth
controls the level down to which the headings are numbered. The default for scrreprt
is \subsectionnumdepth
, i.e. \subsection
is the lowest level that still gets a number, and all levels below don't. The solution is thus to set the value of secnumdepth
to \subsubsectionnumdepth
Minimal example:
\chapter{My chapter}
\section{A section}
\subsection{The subsection}
\subsubsection{New subsubsection}
Is is possible to add \subsubsubsection? I have tried the same idea but did not work. Commented Jan 11, 2020 at 18:46