This diagram costs a few minutes to code so if the attempts of converting it fail, you may just draw it. That way you inherit the font size etc. from the document in which you embed it.
\begin{scope}[box/.style={minimum height=#1,minimum width=10em,
draw,align=center,node font=\bfseries},box/.default=5em]
\node[box] (A) {CONTADOR\\ ASINCRONO};
\node[box,right=2em of A] (B) {CIRCUITO\\ TUNCATOR};
\node[box,below=4em of B] (C) {CIRCUITO QUE\\ \dots \\ \dots};
\node[box=2em,right=5em of C.north east,anchor=south west] (D) {BALIZA};
\node[box=2em,right=5em of C.south east,anchor=north west] (E) {BALIZA};
\node[box=2em,above=10em of D.north west,anchor=south west] (F) {BALIZA};
\begin{scope}[rounded corners=1ex,-stealth,nodes={fill=white},thick]
\draw (B.north) -- ++ (0,2em) -| node[pos=0.25]{CLEAR}(A);
\draw (A.-50) -- ++ (0,-2em) -| node[pos=0.25]{Q4Q2}(B);
\draw (A) |- node{Q3Q0Q2\textsuperscript{*}} (C);
\path (C.east) -- coordinate (aux) (D.west);
\draw (C.east) -- (C-|aux) |- (D);
\draw (C.east) -- (C-|aux) |- (E);
\draw (A.120) |- (F);
As you can see, I did not have the passion to punch in the texts, which would be the most time consuming task. Note also that copying this code and using quotes
does not make the code more elegant nor concise.
\includegraphics[width=...]{<file name>}
? Or simple redraw it with use oftikz
or ... packets?. Image is not so complicated ...