I manually installed TexLive on Fedora 16 because I need to use tlmgr and install some packages. Now I want to get Texmaker, which I installed with yum, to work with the manually installed TexLive rather than the automatically installed one.

How can I configure it to do that?

  • 2
    TUG gives some answers to install correctly a vanilla TeXLive tug.org/texlive/debian.html for Debian and Ubuntu users and I think it's perhaps the same things with Fedora. Commented Apr 17, 2012 at 5:52
  • We'd like to keep answers separate from questions, so you should write a separate answer instead of editing your answer into the question. Self-answers are perfectly admissible, and a well-written answer may earn you additional reputation. Commented Apr 17, 2012 at 8:50
  • @MartinScharrer Thanks, I was not aware that self-answers are acceptable. On some Stackexchange sites, you need high level of reputation to answer your own questions. Commented Apr 17, 2012 at 15:11
  • @xiongtx: That's news to me. Usually there is just a time delay so you can't ask, answer and accept a post in short regression. Commented Apr 17, 2012 at 15:22

1 Answer 1


Figured it out.

Go to Options -> Configure Texmaker and replace latex with /usr/local/texlive/2011/bin/x86_64-linux/latex or equivalent. Do the same for pdflatex. Everything else should be fine, although I have not done further testing besides compiling some old documents.

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