I have two versions of a manuscript: the first uses restatable, and this works as expected for both theorems and lemmas; the second uses the jmlr style files provided by a conference (COLT 2020), and restatable is causing me trouble. Specifically, any theorem, stated at some point and then restated later, is numbered correctly. But with lemmas, the numbering changes later on. It's very weird, and I don't understand how to fix this. Here is a minimum working example, and you'd need to download colt2020.cls, jmlr.cls, and jmlrutils.sty from here: http://learningtheory.org/colt2020/submission.html
\documentclass[anon,12pt]{colt2020} % Anonymized submission
\usepackage{xfrac, bm}
\usepackage[toc, page]{appendix}
\begin{restatable}{theorem}{thmuno}\label{thm-1} This is my theorem.
\begin{restatable}{lemma}{lemuno}\label{lem-1} This is my lemma.
Some words.
More words