I'd like to produce the following layout. Layout wanted

I want to be able to choose the numbering like (a) or roman I. but automatically, i don't want to number it myself. I know i can do this with enumitem but the real problem is insert math in each \item and keep a global alignment across the items, the =, the texts for all P.. [Identity]. I've tried with \intertext{\item~\phantom} inside align* and alignat* without success. I leave the text for ease of you.

        &=\mathcal{O}+P=P \quad
        &&\text{para todo $P\in E$.} \quad
        &=\mathcal{O} \quad
        &&\text{para todo $P\in E$.} \quad
        &=P+(Q+R) \quad
        &&\text{para todo $P,Q,R\in E$.} \quad
        &=Q+P \quad
        &&\text{para todo $P,Q\in E$.} \quad

The code above of course produces the error LaTeX Error: Command \item invalid in math mode.. I'd really appreciate your help.

  • I could agree to align the conditions, but aligning the equals signs makes no real sense, as those symbols are unrelated to one another,
    – egreg
    Commented Jan 9, 2020 at 14:39

2 Answers 2


I'd not align the equals signs, because they are unrelated to each other. You can use eqparbox for the task.








Let $E$ be an elliptic curve. Then the addition law on $E$ has
the following properties:
\itemalign{$P+\EO=\EO+P=P$}{for all $P\in E$}{\upshape[Identity]}

\itemalign{$P+(-P)=\EO$}{for all $P\in E$}{\upshape[Inverse]}

\itemalign{$(P+Q)+R=P+(Q+R)$}{for all $P,Q,R\in E$}{\upshape[Associativity]}

\itemalign{$P+Q=Q+P$}{for all $P,Q\in E$}{\upshape[Commutativity]}


enter image description here

With a small change to \itemalign you can get the final labels pushed to the right margin, yet left aligned.


enter image description here

If you insist on the alignment,








Let $E$ be an elliptic curve. Then the addition law on $E$ has
the following properties:
\itemalign{$P+\EO$}{${}=\EO+P=P$}{for all $P\in E$}{\upshape[Identity]}

\itemalign{$P+(-P)$}{${}=\EO$}{for all $P\in E$}{\upshape[Inverse]}

\itemalign{$(P+Q)+R$}{${}=P+(Q+R)$}{for all $P,Q,R\in E$}{\upshape[Associativity]}

\itemalign{$P+Q$}{${}=Q+P$}{for all $P,Q\in E$}{\upshape[Commutativity]}


enter image description here

  • Interesting. The format of 3rd argument could defined in the command, right? Since they are supposed to be formatted like that, in upright and inside brackets.
    – Sigur
    Commented Jan 9, 2020 at 15:25
  • @Sigur Yes; I opted to not go with that optimization.
    – egreg
    Commented Jan 9, 2020 at 15:26

I'm almost sure that there are other solution more elegant. But, this is a possible one:

enter image description here



\myfooeq && P+\mathcal{O} &= \mathcal{O}+P=P && \text{para todo $P\in E$.} && \textup{[Identidad]}\\
\myfooeq && P+(-P)        &= \mathcal{O}     && \text{para todo $P\in E$.} && \textup{[Inverso]}

  • Make the counter referable with \refstepcounter{<newcounter>}.
    – azetina
    Commented Jan 9, 2020 at 14:50
  • @azetina, well observed. Thanks.
    – Sigur
    Commented Jan 9, 2020 at 14:53

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