Possible Duplicate:
Extend a language with additional keywords?

I'm using the package listings to write some Scheme code.

I setted:


since "Lisp" is the most similar language i have found within the language values.

My problem is that in Lisp the word "define" is not a keyword, so in my listing it is not in bold style.

Can I add a keyword?How?

  • You can even define your own code with listings. See "3.2 Language definitions" in the package documentation. Commented Apr 18, 2012 at 15:09
  • I'm not sure if I understand your question as implying that you want to add the word "define" to the list of keywords or if you want to remove it from the list. If it's the former you want, you could change the instruction \lstset{language=Lisp} to \lstset{language=Lisp, morekeywords={define}}. If it's the latter, you could use the instruction \lstset{language=Lisp, deletekeywords={define}}.
    – Mico
    Commented Apr 18, 2012 at 16:33


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