I have the code of tcolorbox as below
\newtcolorbox{dang}[1]{enhanced, breakable,
before skip=2mm,after skip=2mm,
attach boxed title to top left={xshift=1cm,yshift*=1mm-\tcboxedtitleheight},
varwidth boxed title*=-3cm,arc is angular,
boxed title style={frame code={
([yshift=-1mm,xshift=-1mm]frame.north west)
arc[start angle=0,end angle=180,radius=1mm]
([yshift=-1mm,xshift=1mm]frame.north east)
arc[start angle=180,end angle=0,radius=1mm];
\path[left color=tcbcol@back!60!black,right color=tcbcol@back!60!black,
middle color=tcbcol@back!80!black]
([xshift=-2mm]frame.north west) -- ([xshift=2mm]frame.north east)
[rounded corners=1mm]-- ([xshift=1mm,yshift=-1mm]frame.north east)
-- (frame.south east) -- (frame.south west)
-- ([xshift=-1mm,yshift=-1mm]frame.north west)
[sharp corners]-- cycle;
},interior engine=empty,
\begin{dang}{Cộng 2 số phức}
Ta có $ z=a+bi $ và $ z'=a'+b'i $ khi đó $ z+z'=a+a'+(b+b')i $
I want to hide or show the title of the box which is blue background with white contents. How can I do that? Thank you