I am using oscola-biblatex for my thesis. OSCOLA allows for repeated citations in a short format with a cross-reference to the full citation. This is typically handled really well by oscola-biblatex. However, it does not seem to work for entries of the sub-type comdoc. Consider the following MWE:


    title = {Action Plan on consumer access to justice
        and the settlement of disputes in the internal
    type = {Communication},
    number = {COM (96) 13 final},
    institution = {Commission},
    entrysubtype = {comdoc}

    title = {2008 Autumn Performance Report},
    institution = {Department for Children, Schools
        and Families},
    series = {Cm},
    number = {7507},
    date = {2008},


Here is some text with a first reference to the `comdoc' 
And here a reference to a general report.\footcite{autumnperf}
The repeated citation to the `comdoc' document will output the full 
Whereas the repeated citation to anything else works as 


When compiled, this produces: Footnote citations

The repeated citation for the general report works as expected (with a cross-reference to fn. 2). The repeated citation for the comdoc entrysubtype produces the full citation again. According to the oscola-biblatex manual, p. 72:

Subsequent references will use simply the com number, as oscola requires.

How can I troubleshoot this so repeated citations only output the number field if the entrysubtype is comdoc? Is it a problem with oscola's driver, and if so, could I patch it through xpatch? Any help is greatly appreciated!


1 Answer 1


Since this appears to go explicitly against documented behaviour (and apparently against behaviour required by OSCOLA style) I strongly urge you to open an issue at https://github.com/PaulStanley/oscola-biblatex/issues.

Currently, oscola.cbx contains

  \ifboolexpr{test {\ifentrytype{legislation}}
              or ( test {\ifentrytype{legal}} 
                   and ( not test {\iffieldequals{entrysubtype}{\treatysubtype}} ))}%
    {\ifboolexpr{ test {\ifentrytype{commentary}} 
                   or  ( test {\ifentrytype{legal}} and not test {\iffieldequals{entrysubtype}{\treatysubtype}}) }%
      {\ifboolexpr{ ( test {\ifentrytype{jurisdiction}} 
                    ( not test {\iffieldundef{userc}} 
                      and not test {\iffieldundef{postnote}} )) 
                    or (test {\ifentrytype{legal}} 
                        and test {\iffieldequalstr{type}{parliamentary}} )}
     {\ifboolexpr{ ( test {\ifentrytype{report}} and test {\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{comdoc}} )}
            {\usebibmacro{cite:refonlyfull}} % FIX THIS: will need a separate macro

And the FIX THIS comment is exactly at the line that needs to be fixed here.

If I understand correctly the following small redefinition might do what you want


  \ifboolexpr{test {\ifentrytype{legislation}}
              or ( test {\ifentrytype{legal}} 
                   and ( not test {\iffieldequals{entrysubtype}{\treatysubtype}} ))}%
    {\ifboolexpr{ test {\ifentrytype{commentary}} 
                   or  ( test {\ifentrytype{legal}} and not test {\iffieldequals{entrysubtype}{\treatysubtype}}) }%
      {\ifboolexpr{ ( test {\ifentrytype{jurisdiction}} 
                    ( not test {\iffieldundef{userc}} 
                      and not test {\iffieldundef{postnote}} )) 
                    or (test {\ifentrytype{legal}} 
                        and test {\iffieldequalstr{type}{parliamentary}} )}
         {\ifboolexpr{ ( test {\ifentrytype{report}} and test {\iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{comdoc}} )}


  title        = {Action Plan on consumer access to justice
                  and the settlement of disputes in the internal
  type         = {Communication},
  number       = {COM (96) 13 final},
  institution  = {Commission},
  entrysubtype = {comdoc},
  title       = {2008 Autumn Performance Report},
  institution = {Department for Children, Schools
                 and Families},
  series      = {Cm},
  number      = {7507},
  date        = {2008},


Here is some text with a first reference to the `comdoc'
And here a reference to a general report.\footcite[13]{autumnperf}
The repeated citation to the `comdoc' document will output the full
Whereas the repeated citation to anything else works as


We just replace the generic macro cite:refonlyfull by a specialised cite:comdoc that just prints the number.

1 Commission, “Action Plan on consumer access to justice and the settlement of disputes in the internal market” (Communication) COM (96) 13 final.//2 Department for Children, Schools and Families, 2008 Autumn Performance Report (Cm 7507, 2008)//3 COM (96) 13 final//4 2008 Autumn Performance Report (n 2).

  • Many thanks, this works brilliantly. I've adjusted your cite:comdoc bib macro to satisfy OSCOLA's requirement that short citations point to the full citation. I'm posting it to your answer as a proposed edit. Commented Jan 22, 2020 at 11:05
  • Also new issue now submitted along with your proposed fix at oscola's github page. Commented Jan 22, 2020 at 11:16
  • @Nikko I slightly changed the code you added about the footnote references to play nice with the postnote delimiter. (Of course I don't know what OSCOLA wants, so I'm just guessing from other examples in the style.)
    – moewe
    Commented Jan 22, 2020 at 17:34

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