tcolorbox internally uses parbox or minipages which means it does not respect paragraph spacing from parskip package. This can be changed by passing a parbox=false to a tcolorbox which forces it to follow normal formatting. However the option does not seem to work when using tcbposter and posterboxs.






\begin{tcbposter}[coverage={spread downwards},poster={columns=1, rows=1},boxes={parbox=false}

\posterbox[adjusted title=Foo] {column=1, row=1}





produces the result below where the normal tcolorbox with parbox=false has paragraph spacing but the poster one doesn't. I noticed that if I remove the coverage option the problem goes away, but I can't understand what the link is:

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


parbox=false is described as an experimental feature in the manual. Instead you can just use before upper to reinsert the parskip code:

Sample output




\begin{tcbposter}[coverage={spread downwards},
  poster={columns=1, rows=1},
  boxes={before upper={\parskip.5\baselineskip%
  \advance\parskip 0pt plus 2pt}}]

\posterbox[adjusted title=Foo] {column=1, row=1}



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