I got a problem with my current document. Some of the Section titles are fairly long and the linebreak won't work in the table of contents. For some reason it works when I compile it with texstudio. (where other stuff won't work) But when I compile it with texcenter and the profile LaTeX-PS-PDF it will produce a toc wich just looks horrible.
\geometry{inner=2.5cm, outer=5cm, head=22pt}
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsfonts, pifont, float, color,setspace}
\usepackage{notoccite} %keeps cite numbers from text in toc...
\usepackage[section]{placeins} %keeps floats in section
\usepackage[pdfpagelayout=TwoColumnRight,colorlinks=false, pdfborder={0 0 0}, bookmarksnumbered=true]{hyperref}
\captionsetup{width=.9\textwidth} %90% textwidth for all captions
\usepackage[super,square,comma,sort&compress]{natbib} %hochstellen des cite befehls
\apptocmd{\thebibliography}{\raggedright}{}{}%url formatting in biblio
%list of figures spacing
\clubpenalty = 100000
\widowpenalty = 100000
\displaywidowpenalty = 100000
\interlinepenalty=5000 %dont break sentences
\chapter{Chapter 1}
\section{Section with a really really really long title I mean really really long title}
\subsection{Even worse title for a subsection once you finished reading you feel like you read a book}
Has anyone an idea how I can fix it?
to usr a short version of the section title, both in headers and in the table of contents.hyperref
is relevant. Exactly which ghostscript version are you using. Exactly how are you compiling i texstudio? The MWE has no issues withpdflatex
only the latex+dvips+ps2pdf route