I am trying to plot an acos graph using tikz and pgfplots where the function should receive x-2 as an argument to plot the graph of acos(2-x) which gives the acos(x) function a h-shift to the right and a reflection on the y-axis

    no markers,
    axis lines=center,
    xmin=-1.0, xmax=1,
    ymin=-0.2 , ymax=180,

\addplot[name path=A, domain=-1:1, samples=101]{acos(2-x)};

However, I always get the following error when compiling:

Missing number treated as zero
Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted)

Adding r at the end of the 2-x does not help either.

  • I am compiling with Overleaf, by the way. Commented Jan 30, 2020 at 20:00
  • 3
    You are asking pgf to compute acos of 3... please adjust the domain such that the argument of acos is between -1 and 1.
    – user194703
    Commented Jan 30, 2020 at 20:03
  • Actually, I understood what you meant eventually...kinda. So after changing the domain from -1:1 to 3:[any number >3] it plots with no issues. Commented Jan 30, 2020 at 20:37

1 Answer 1


The problem with your code is that it asks pgf to compute acos of 3 and other values that are outside of its domain. Another problem is that you present only fragments. Here is a simple way to shift the graph to the right and reflect it at the vertical axis: instead of \addplot <function(x)>; use \addplot (<hshift-x,{function(x)});.

    no markers,
    axis lines=center,
    ymin=-0.2 , ymax=180,
\addplot[dashed, domain=-1:1, samples=101] {acos(x)};
\addplot[name path=A, domain=-1:1, samples=101] (2-x,{acos(x)});

enter image description here

The dashed curve is just the untransformed acos function to show that this work.

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