I am trying to draw figure of the Problem 21 https://artofproblemsolving.com/wiki/index.php/2019_AMC_10A_Problems/Problem_21

A sphere with center $O$ has radius 6. A triangle with sides of length $15$, $15$, and $24$ is situated in space so that each of its sides are tangent to the sphere. I tried

    (0,0,0)  coordinate  (O);

    \fill[ball color=gray!10,tdplot_screen_coords] (O)  circle[radius=6]; 

How can I draw triangle?

3 Answers 3


This is a version that computes the points from the inputs with pgf methods. The output is much less spectacular than minthien_2016's nice answer, I do not (in this answer) distinguish between visible and hidden parts of the triangle and circle. The steps are:

  1. compute the radius r of the incircle;
  2. compute the height h of the plane containing the triangle;
  3. compute the distances of the points where the incircle touches the triangle to the corners of the triangle and the angles of the triangle;
  4. add the corners. One edge can be taken to be parallel to the x axis. So two corners are at z=h, y=-r and x at the respective touching distances. The third corner can then be reconstructed from the angles.

This is the result:

\pgfkeys{/pgf/fpu,/pgf/fpu/output format=fixed}% 
 \path (0,0,0)  coordinate  (O);
 % compute radius of incircle
 % compute height of circle
 % compute angles of triangle
 % compute distances from the corners of the triangle to the points where
 % the triangle touches the circle
  \fill[ball color=gray!10,tdplot_screen_coords] (O)  circle[radius=6]; 
  \path (-\touchA,-\inradius,\haux) coordinate[label=right:$A$](A)
   (\touchB,-\inradius,\haux) coordinate[label=left:$B$](B)
   (0,-\inradius,\haux) coordinate (TAB)
    coordinate (TAC)
    coordinate (TBC)
    (0,0,\haux) coordinate (M);
  \draw (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- cycle;
  \begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=\haux]
   \draw[blue,thick] (M) circle[radius=\inradius];
  \foreach \X in {A,B,C,M,TAB,TAC,TBC}
  {\fill (\X) circle[radius=3pt];}

enter image description here


With some calculations, I have this code

\begin{tikzpicture}[tdplot_main_coords,scale=1/2,line join = round, line cap = round,declare function={R=6;r=4;h=2*sqrt(5); Angle=acos(r/R);}] 
 (-3, -4,h) coordinate (A)
(12, -4,h) coordinate (B)
(-36/5, 52/5,h)  coordinate (C)
(0,0,h)  coordinate  (I)
(0,0,0)  coordinate  (O)
(0,-4,h)  coordinate  (H)
(-96/25, -28/25, h)  coordinate  (K)
  \fill[ball color=gray!10,tdplot_screen_coords] (O)  circle (R); 
  \tdplotCsDrawLatCircle[blue, thick]{R}{{Angle}}
   \draw[thick] (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- cycle;
  \draw[dashed] (O) -- (I) -- (H) -- cycle (I) -- (K) -- (O);
  \foreach \p in {A,B,C,I,O,H,K}
  \draw[fill=black] (\p) circle (2.5pt);
  \foreach \p/\g in {A/90,B/-90,C/-90,I/90,O/-90,H/90,K/90}
  \path (\p)+(\g:6mm) node{$\p$};

enter image description here


enter image description here

Asymptote version with removed top of the sphere, suitable for general triangle:

// file tri-tan-sphere.asy
// run "asy -f png -render=4 tri-tan-sphere.asy"
// to get tri-tan-sphere.png
import graph3; size(200,0);
triple f(pair t){return (cos(t.y)*cos(t.x),cos(t.y)*sin(t.x),sin(t.y));}
real R=6, a=15, b=20, c=24,
triple O,A,B,C,I,At,Bt,Ct;
A=O; B=(c,0,0); C=(b*Cos(alpha),b*Sin(alpha),0);
transform3 t=shift(Z*h-I); 
A=t*A; B=t*B; C=t*C; I=t*I;
guide3 gt=A--B--C--cycle;
At=B+(rho-b)/a*(C-B); Bt=C+(rho-c)/b*(A-C); Ct=A+(rho-a)/c*(B-A);
surface s=surface(gt);
triple[] P={O,A,B,C,I,At,Bt,Ct,};
string[] L={"O","A","B","C","I","A_t","B_t","C_t",};
triple[] T={Z+Y,A-I,B-I,C-I,Z+Y,I-A,I-B,I-C,};
for(int i=0;i<P.length;++i){dot(P[i]); label("$"+L[i]+"$",P[i],2unit(T[i]));}
surface sc=scale3(R)*surface(f,(0,-pi/2),(2pi,acos(r/R)),Spline);

Alternatively, command asy -f html tri-tan-sphere.asy generates tri-tan-sphere.html with interactive 3D vector WebGL graphics.

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