I'm trying to create handouts for an oral presentation with pictures but we can't do a PowerPoint. Is there a simple template I can mess with? The only document class I have experience with is article.
Thanks in advance!
A simple but elegant template to start:
\author{John Doe}
\usetheme{Madrid} % or Warsaw, Berkeley, metropolis, ...
\begin{frame}{Bah} More bah \end{frame}
\begin{frame}{Baz} More baz \end{frame}
Basically you only have to add \begin{frame}{...} ...\end{frame}
for each new slide and then change the dots by a title and some content (of course, it could be tables, graphs , lists, etc. )
Run texdoc beamer
to see the Beamer User Guide in pdf. You have a lot of possibilities here. There are also plenty of examples of Beamer presentations in this site to make almost many more complex things, but remember the KISS principle (keep it simply, sir).
class? It's a great document class to make LaTeX presentations. There are a lot ofbeamer
templates online, for example on overleaf.