I'm using Overleaf to write a paper with supplementary material and have been having substantial trouble with separating out Supplemental Material while maintaining references. My MWE is as follows - in Main.tex
This is text
\begin{equation} \label{eqn}
Look at Eq.~(\ref{suppeqn})
In SupplementalMaterial.tex
This is text
\begin{equation} \label{eqn}
Look at Eq.~(\ref{suppeqn})
When I try to compile Main.tex
, I get "Warning: No file SupplementalMaterial.aux LABELS NOT IMPORTED" and of course no references properly refer back to their labels. I've tried to find a solution online but frankly have not found an explanation as to where the aux file is supposed to come from, or what exactly it is. I think it's an auxiliary file used to hold information from the "first pass" for documents that take multiple iterations to compile.
How can I get my references to appear properly?
EDIT: Overleaf requires a special set-up to use xr
, as detailed here. I was able to use the example linked in that page and port it to another documentclass for my specific uses without much trouble. I will leave this as an update, not an answer, because I do not yet understand why Overleaf requires this approach.
is for refering to labels in a different document but I suspect here that you simply want the supplementary material at teh end in which case remove xr package and remove\begin{document} \end{document}
from suppementalmaterial.tex, and put\input{SupplementalMaterial}
before the end of your main document.\externaldocument
??? Assuming you didn't mean that (a) usexr-hyper
package notxr
as you are using hyperref, then make two overleaf projects and save the aux file (in the logs and output menu) from supplemental and upload it as SupplementalMaterial/aux to the project for the main file