I have a very particular problem. I wrote my PhD in a certain style but now the publishing agency asked me to use their stylesheet. Since applying it, one of the problems I got is that the edges of my tables don't close anymore :
When I use \begin{tabularx}, the tables look fine, but in this case, I need to use \begin{tabular} so I can specify that each column can be max. 3.4mm (otherwise the table goes over the edge of the page with no linebreak happening).
Here the code :
\usepackage[main=french,italian, spanish, portuguese, latin, greek]{babel}
\textbf{Suffixe en graphie classique} & \textbf{Suffixe en graphie phonématique} & \textbf{Nombre de lexèmes}\\
\textit{-\={a}tus} & */-\textquotesingle{}at-u/ & 22 \\
\textit{-bilis} & */\textquotesingle{}-βil-e/ & 8 \\
\textit{-ium} & */\textquotesingle{}-i-u/ & 53 \\
\textit{-ivus} & */\textquotesingle{}-iβ-u/ & 7 \\
\textit{-m\u{e}ntum} & */-\textquotesingle{}mɛnt-u/ & 27 \\
\textit{-or(e)} & */-\textquotesingle{}or-e/ & 70 \\
\textit{-\={o}ria}/\textit{-\={o}rium}/\textit{-\={o}rius} & */-\textquotesingle{}ori-a/ / */-\textquotesingle{}ori-u/ & 44 \\
\textit{-\={u}ra} & */-\textquotesingle{}ur-a/ & 54\\
\captionof{table}{Nomenclature IV}\label{nomenclature4}
I guess it must be due to the .sty file I have to use, because in a simple layout it works fine. The only thing about tabular I could find is the following :
\TX@find@endtabularxa\csname end\TX@\endcsname
{\@spaces Table Width\@spaces Column Width\@spaces X Columns}%
\global\advance\TX@cols\@ne\NC@find p{\TX@col@width}}}%
\csname tabular*\expandafter\endcsname\expandafter\TX@target
\csname endtabular*\endcsname}%
Here you can see the full .sty file : dgruyter.sty
Can anyone help?
which you are not using) post a small but complete document that people can run to see the problem, then it should be easy to debug and help.\baretabulars
in the preamble after\usepackage{dgruyter}
. (Fished out from memory, can't test now.)