I would like to use a black square ■ instead of the standard bullet • for lists. Now its default size is a bit too big for my taste, so I shrank it down and ended up with the following definition (MWE below):

\renewcommand\labelitemi{{\tiny $■$}}

Unfortunately, this will make the baselines of the square and the following list item align, i.e. the square will not be centered vertically with respect to the following text. How do I fix this? Any help would be much appreciated!




\renewcommand\labelitemi{\tiny $■$}


Some sample text

  \item Foo
  \item Bar


2 Answers 2


Like this:

enter image description here

With use of the enumitem package and defined square by \rule:





Some sample text

  \item Foo
  \item Bar


I adopted an another strategy using into \labelitemi, the option \raisebox{.25\height} where it is possible to move up or down the position of the little \blacksquare symbol. The choice of the position depends of the value of .25: if this number is positive the blacksquare will go upwards. If this number is negative it will go downwards. Here there is a MWE with the screenshot.

enter image description here


\noindent \lipsum[1][2-3]

  \item \lipsum[1][3-4]
  \item \lipsum[1][5-6]

  • Ahhhh, \raiseheight was the command I was looking for! I had been googling for quite a while. :)
    – balu
    Commented Feb 20, 2020 at 21:47
  • @balu So I have read your mind with my crystal ball...:-)))))
    – Sebastiano
    Commented Feb 20, 2020 at 21:48

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