I need a example picture for surface integrals of any function in a three-dimensional space. Wich function it is is not important. I need help getting this job started. The image is not that good, but I think you got the idea. I know some tikz basics and also drew some vectors in 3D but i don't have a clue how to make one like this. This was all i was able to do:
\coordinate (zero) at (0,0,0);
\coordinate (x) at (0,0,5);
\coordinate (y) at (5,0,0);
\coordinate (z) at (0,5,0);
\coordinate (x1) at (0,0,2);
\coordinate (x2) at (0,0,3);
\coordinate (y1) at (2,0,0);
\coordinate (y2) at (3,0,0);
\coordinate (xx1) at (2,0,2);
\coordinate (xx2) at (2,0,3);
\coordinate (yy2) at (3,0,2);
\coordinate (xy1) at (3,0,3);
\draw[->] (zero) -- (x) node[above]{$x$};
\draw[->] (zero) -- (y) node[above]{$y$};
\draw[->] (zero) -- (z) node[right]{$z$};
\draw[dashed] (x1) -- ++(y1);
\draw[dashed] (x2) -- ++(y2);
\draw[dashed] (y1) -- ++(x1);
\draw[dashed] (y2) -- ++(x2);
\draw (xx1) -- (xx2);
\draw (xx1) -- (yy2);
\draw (xy1) -- (xx2);
\draw (xy1) -- (yy2);
\draw (0,3,0) to [bend left=40] (5,1,0);
\draw (0,3,1) to [bend left=40] (5,1,1);
\draw (0,3,2) to [bend left=40] (5,1,2);
\draw (0,3,3) to [bend left=40] (5,1,3);
\draw (0,3,4) to [bend left=40] (5,1,4);
\draw (0,3,5) to [bend left=40] (5,1,5);
\draw [name path=A] (5,1,0) to [bend right=40] (5,1,5);
\path [name path=B] (5,1,0) -- (5,1,5);
\tikzfillbetween[of=A and B]{white, opacity=1};
\draw[->] (zero) -- (y) node[above]{$y$};