I created a separate floating environment for my supplementary figures using \usepackage{newfloat} \DeclareFloatingEnvironment[name={Figure S}]{suppfigure}.

However, this prints in the figure caption "Figure S 1" with a space between S and the number. How can I remove this space only for this floating environment?

(I know about \renewcommand{\thefigure}{S\arabic{table}}, however this works globally and since I also have normal figure environments this is not possible.)



\usepackage{newfloat} \DeclareFloatingEnvironment[name={Figure S}]{suppfigure}



2 Answers 2


The suppfigure environment has its own counter.





One approach would be to add some negative horizontal space at the end of the name-attribute, like so:


\usepackage{newfloat} \DeclareFloatingEnvironment[name={Figure S\hspace{-.6ex}}]{suppfigure}



You can fine tune the space to your liking.

enter image description here

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