Based on a previous question Extending table of contents dots up to large page numbers I have been using tocbasic and have some Roman pages. In all the list of somethings the Roman numbers are right aligned, except for the:

  • List of listings.
  • List of algorithms.
  • List of todos (not so worried about this one).

How can I get these right aligned?

enter image description here

enter image description here

\usepackage[algosection]{algorithm2e} % For writing nice algorithms. 
\usepackage{float}  %% The ordering matters here. 
\usepackage{listings} %% The ordering matters here. 
\usepackage{tocbasic} % For better TOC alignment
\usepackage[margin=10pt,font=small,labelfont=bf,labelsep=endash,figurewithin=section,tablewithin=section]{caption} % Caption figures and tables nicely. %% After cleveref.

% List of Algorithms (NB, requires french spelling of 'algorithmes')
\renewcommand*{\listalgorithmcfname}{List of algorithms}

% We want the list of listings to look like all the others. 
}{\typeout{Chapters patched for list-of-listings.}}{\typeout{Could not patch chapters for list-of-listings.}}

% So Roman page numbers are right aligned. 

\DeclareTOCStyleEntry[numwidth=3.5em]{tocline}{figure}% for figure entries
%\DeclareTOCStyleEntry[numwidth=3.5em]{tocline}{listing}% <- Doesn't work
%\DeclareTOCStyleEntry[numwidth=3.5em]{tocline}{algorithm}% <- Doesn't work

\AtBeginDocument{\counterwithin{lstlisting}{section}} % Ensures these are numbered enough


\section{Arabic numbering starts}
\subsection{Some possibly very long title section that might just decide to span several lines in the table of contents. Why would someone write this, Who knows?}
\section{Several pages later}
\section{Now we have Roman numbering}
\section{Several pages later}
\section{Some figures}
\begin{table}[htb]\caption{A table}\end{table}
\begin{figure}[htb]\caption{A figure}\end{figure}
\begin{lstlisting}[caption={Some code}]
\todo[inline=true,caption={A todo note}]{Must do this.}
\begin{algorithm}[htb] \DontPrintSemicolon \KwIn{Input} \KwOut{Output} Code\; \caption{Some algorithm.} \end{algorithm}
\begin{table}[htb]\caption{A table}\end{table}
\begin{figure}[htb]\caption{A figure}\end{figure}
\begin{lstlisting}[caption={Some code}]
\todo[inline=true,caption={A todo note}]{Must do this.}
\begin{algorithm}[htb] \DontPrintSemicolon \KwIn{Input} \KwOut{Output} Code\; \caption{Some algorithm.} \end{algorithm}
\begin{table}[htb]\caption{A table}\end{table}
\begin{figure}[htb]\caption{A figure}\end{figure}
\begin{lstlisting}[caption={Some code}]
\todo[inline=true,caption={A todo note}]{Must do this.}
\begin{algorithm}[htb] \DontPrintSemicolon \KwIn{Input} \KwOut{Output} Code\; \caption{Some algorithm.} \end{algorithm}
\begin{table}[htb]\caption{A table}\end{table}
\begin{figure}[htb]\caption{A figure}\end{figure}
\begin{lstlisting}[caption={Some code}]
\todo[inline=true,caption={A todo note}]{Must do this.}
\begin{algorithm}[htb] \DontPrintSemicolon \KwIn{Input} \KwOut{Output} Code\; \caption{Some algorithm.} \end{algorithm}
\begin{table}[htb]\caption{A table}\end{table}
\begin{figure}[htb]\caption{A figure}\end{figure}
\begin{lstlisting}[caption={Some code}]
\todo[inline=true,caption={A todo note}]{Must do this.}
\begin{algorithm}[htb] \DontPrintSemicolon \KwIn{Input} \KwOut{Output} Code\; \caption{Some algorithm.} \end{algorithm}
\begin{table}[htb]\caption{A table}\end{table}
\begin{figure}[htb]\caption{A figure}\end{figure}
\begin{lstlisting}[caption={Some code}]
\todo[inline=true,caption={A todo note}]{Must do this.}
\begin{algorithm}[htb] \DontPrintSemicolon \KwIn{Input} \KwOut{Output} Code\; \caption{Some algorithm.} \end{algorithm}

1 Answer 1


To initialize the predefined values level, indent and numwidth for figure use:


dynnumwidth enlarges the space for the entry number automatically, if the entry number is too long. But it needs an additional run.

Then you can copy (needs at least KOMA-Script version 3.28) this values for the other entry types:


and finally add lstlisting,algocf,todo to the following code snippet:



\usepackage[algosection]{algorithm2e} % For writing nice algorithms. 
\usepackage{float}  %% The ordering matters here. 
\usepackage{listings} %% The ordering matters here. 
\usepackage{tocbasic}[2019/12/23] % For better TOC alignment
\usepackage[margin=10pt,font=small,labelfont=bf,labelsep=endash,figurewithin=section,tablewithin=section]{caption} % Caption figures and tables nicely. %% After cleveref.

% List of Algorithms (NB, requires french spelling of 'algorithmes')
\renewcommand*{\listalgorithmcfname}{List of algorithms}

% We want the list of listings to look like all the others. 
}{\typeout{Chapters patched for list-of-listings.}}{\typeout{Could not patch chapters for list-of-listings.}}

% So Roman page numbers are right aligned.
  dynnumwidth% enlarges numwidth automatically if the entry number is too long; needs an additional run

\AtBeginDocument{\counterwithin{lstlisting}{section}} % Ensures these are numbered enough

\section{Arabic numbering starts}
\subsection{Some possibly very long title section that might just decide to span several lines in the table of contents. Why would someone write this, Who knows?}
\section{Several pages later}
\section{Now we have Roman numbering}
\section{Several pages later}
\section{Some figures}
\begin{table}[htb]\caption{A table}\end{table}
\begin{figure}[htb]\caption{A figure}\end{figure}
\begin{lstlisting}[caption={Some code}]
\todo[inline=true,caption={A todo note}]{Must do this.}
\begin{algorithm}[htb] \DontPrintSemicolon \KwIn{Input} \KwOut{Output} Code\; \caption{Some algorithm.} \end{algorithm}
\begin{table}[htb]\caption{A table}\end{table}
\begin{figure}[htb]\caption{A figure}\end{figure}
\begin{lstlisting}[caption={Some code}]
\todo[inline=true,caption={A todo note}]{Must do this.}
\begin{algorithm}[htb] \DontPrintSemicolon \KwIn{Input} \KwOut{Output} Code\; \caption{Some algorithm.} \end{algorithm}
\begin{table}[htb]\caption{A table}\end{table}
\begin{figure}[htb]\caption{A figure}\end{figure}
\begin{lstlisting}[caption={Some code}]
\todo[inline=true,caption={A todo note}]{Must do this.}
\begin{algorithm}[htb] \DontPrintSemicolon \KwIn{Input} \KwOut{Output} Code\; \caption{Some algorithm.} \end{algorithm}
\begin{table}[htb]\caption{A table}\end{table}
\begin{figure}[htb]\caption{A figure}\end{figure}
\begin{lstlisting}[caption={Some code}]
\todo[inline=true,caption={A todo note}]{Must do this.}
\begin{algorithm}[htb] \DontPrintSemicolon \KwIn{Input} \KwOut{Output} Code\; \caption{Some algorithm.} \end{algorithm}
\begin{table}[htb]\caption{A table}\end{table}
\begin{figure}[htb]\caption{A figure}\end{figure}
\begin{lstlisting}[caption={Some code}]
\todo[inline=true,caption={A todo note}]{Must do this.}
\begin{algorithm}[htb] \DontPrintSemicolon \KwIn{Input} \KwOut{Output} Code\; \caption{Some algorithm.} \end{algorithm}
\begin{table}[htb]\caption{A table}\end{table}
\begin{figure}[htb]\caption{A figure}\end{figure}
\begin{lstlisting}[caption={Some code}]
\todo[inline=true,caption={A todo note}]{Must do this.}
\begin{algorithm}[htb] \DontPrintSemicolon \KwIn{Input} \KwOut{Output} Code\; \caption{Some algorithm.} \end{algorithm}

Run three times to get eg. LOA:

enter image description here

  • Works a treat. Integrating this with another similar question I have, I found making the modification \DeclareTOCStyleEntry[numwidth=3.5em]{tocline}{figure} (aka adding numwidth as an option) then ensured this was the same across all the list of somethings.
    – oliversm
    Commented Mar 4, 2020 at 14:24

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