I am building a cv using longtable. I would like to have the first word of the "second line" aligned with the first word of the first line in the list with bullet points.
Here is an example:
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PREAMBLE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%Change the font size of your document - 10pt, 12.1pt, etc.
\usepackage{booktabs}% http://ctan.org/pkg/booktabs
\usepackage{booktabs, multirow, xltabular}
\usepackage[centering, left=2cm, bottom=2cm, top=2cm]{geometry}
%% Distances
% width of the table
\newcommand\x{11cm} % width
% distance line-bold
% distance bold-text
% distance text-bold/line
\begin{longtable}{@{} >{}l p{\x} @{}}
\hline \noalign{\vskip \dista}
\Large{\textbf{Academic Experience}} &
\textbf{Teaching Assistantship} \\[\distb]
\small{Spring 2020}
\tabitem Open Economy Macroeconomics, IDEA Ph.D. program, UAB. Mario Rossi Vella\\
\small{Fall 2018 and Fall 2019}
Macroeconomics I, IDEA Ph.D. program, UAB. Prof. Mario Rossi Vella \\
\small{Fall 2019}
\tabitem Econometric I with R (in Spanish), undergraduate, UAB. Mario Rosahahahsi Vellalalal.\\
\small{Fall 2018}
\tabitem Econometrics I with GRETL (in Spanish), undergraduate, UAB. Lauraahaha Pinyol.\\
\small{Spring 2018}
\tabitem Statistics I with GRETL (in Spanish), undergraduate, UAB.\\ \addlinespace[\distc]
. You can either use them, or take inspiration from their class file to address your needs in your own code. Indeed, usinglongtable
may be a good starting point, but has also its limits on the long run. Most notably page breaking, when you end up with long descriptions for a single entry of the cv (with which I am dealing right now).