In my MWE I have different types of frames and in my appendix I have a table of contents on the right side of the slides. Now I have a slide which contains a table around which I want to have a greay background. Currently I have:



\setbeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate body begin}{\Large}
\setbeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate subbody begin}{\large}

\setbeamerfont{page number in head/foot}{size=\large}
\setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]

    \advance\textwidth2cm % see beamerthemeGoettingen.sty for the number


\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}

\title[My study]{Test text\\ Text Text Text TextvTextTextTextTextText Text Text}
\author[J. Doe]{\textbf{My name\\ \vspace{0.2cm}Test test \\Test test TEst Test Test TeTs}}
\date{Place, 11 March 2020}

\setbeamercolor{page number in head/foot}{fg=structure.fg!10}

\frametitle{Test \hyperlink{details}{\beamergotobutton{Test}}}
\item Test
\item Test



\begin{tcolorbox}[colback=gray!20, colframe=gray!20]
\begin{tabular}{ l | c | r | c | c }

  \footnotesize $\bar{X}_T-\bar{X}_V$ & \makecell{\footnotesize Std Text \\$s_{\bar{X}_T-\bar{X}_V}$}& \makecell{\footnotesize Std Text DE \\$SE_{\bar{X}_T-\bar{X}_V}$}& \makecell{\footnotesize T Wert \\\footnotesize $1-\alpha=2,5\%$\\\footnotesize $df=398$}&\makecell{\footnotesize Text te \\Text\\ \footnotesize KI Test Test Test } \\
   -0.33 & 5 & 6& 6 & 6 \\
  7 & 8 & 9 & 6 & 6\\


\setbeamercolor{page number in head/foot}{fg=structure.fg!10}
\frametitle{Test \hyperlink{details}{\beamergotobutton{Test}}}
\item Test
\item Test

\begin{frame}\frametitle{Test \& Test}

\bibitem[Beamerpaket]{paket} \emph{Beamer Paket} \\




The grey background of my tcolorbox should be larger, so that the last column is also fully covered.


But just as much as necessary. As shown with the dotted line I draw. So depending on the text inside. I tried oversize but that does not really help. I still want to have the left side as it is. With oversize I get the problem that the whole area on the left is grey and no white space/margin anymore.

1 Answer 1


That's what you mean.




    \advance\textwidth2cm % see beamerthemeGoettingen.sty for the number


\newtcbox{\ahmadi}{enhanced, left=0mm,right=0mm,top=0mm,bottom=0mm,boxsep=0mm,ignore nobreak,boxrule=0pt,arc=1pt,
colback=gray!20, colframe=gray!20}

\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced,title=Name Table]
\begin{tabular}{ l | c | r | c | c }
  \footnotesize $\bar{X}_T-\bar{X}_V$ & \makecell{\footnotesize Std Text \\$s_{\bar{X}_T-\bar{X}_V}$}& \makecell{\footnotesize Std Text DE \\$SE_{\bar{X}_T-\bar{X}_V}$}& \makecell{\footnotesize T Wert \\\footnotesize $1-\alpha=2,5\%$\\\footnotesize $df=398$}&\makecell{\footnotesize Text te \\Text\\ \footnotesize KI Test Test Test } \\
   -0.33 & 5 & 6& 6 & 6 \\
  7 & 8 & 9 & 6 & 6\\

\newtcbox{\ahmadi}{colback=gray!20, colframe=gray!20}
\begin{tabular}{ l | c | r | c | c }
  \footnotesize $\bar{X}_T-\bar{X}_V$ & \makecell{\footnotesize Std Text \\$s_{\bar{X}_T-\bar{X}_V}$}& \makecell{\footnotesize Std Text DE \\$SE_{\bar{X}_T-\bar{X}_V}$}& \makecell{\footnotesize T Wert \\\footnotesize $1-\alpha=2,5\%$\\\footnotesize $df=398$}&\makecell{\footnotesize Text te \\Text\\ \footnotesize KI Test Test Test } \\
   -0.33 & 5 & 6& 6 & 6 \\
  7 & 8 & 9 & 6 & 6\\
\newtcbox{\ahmadii}{left=0mm,right=0mm,top=0mm,bottom=0mm,boxsep=0mm,ignore nobreak,boxrule=0pt,colback=gray!20, colframe=gray!20}
\begin{tabular}{ l | c | r | c | c }
  \footnotesize $\bar{X}_T-\bar{X}_V$ & \makecell{\footnotesize Std Text \\$s_{\bar{X}_T-\bar{X}_V}$}& \makecell{\footnotesize Std Text DE \\$SE_{\bar{X}_T-\bar{X}_V}$}& \makecell{\footnotesize T Wert \\\footnotesize $1-\alpha=2,5\%$\\\footnotesize $df=398$}&\makecell{\footnotesize Text te \\Text\\ \footnotesize KI Test Test Test } \\
   -0.33 & 5 & 6& 6 & 6 \\
  7 & 8 & 9 & 6 & 6\\


Output: enter image description hereenter image description here

Edit: yuor code.






\setbeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate body begin}{\Large}
\setbeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate subbody begin}{\large}

\setbeamerfont{page number in head/foot}{size=\large}
\setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]

    \advance\textwidth2cm % see beamerthemeGoettingen.sty for the number


\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}

\title[My study]{Test text\\ Text Text Text TextvTextTextTextTextText Text Text}
\author[J. Doe]{\textbf{My name\\ \vspace{0.2cm}Test test \\Test test TEst Test Test TeTs}}
\date{Place, 11 March 2020}

\setbeamercolor{page number in head/foot}{fg=structure.fg!10}

\frametitle{Test \hyperlink{details}{\beamergotobutton{Test}}}
\item Test
\item Test



\newtcbox{\ahmadi}{colback=gray!20, colframe=gray!20}
  \footnotesize $\bar{X}_T-\bar{X}_V$ & \makecell{\footnotesize Std Text \\$s_{\bar{X}_T-\bar{X}_V}$}& \makecell{\footnotesize Std Text DE \\$SE_{\bar{X}_T-\bar{X}_V}$}& \makecell{\footnotesize T Wert \\\footnotesize $1-\alpha=2,5\%$\\\footnotesize $df=398$}&\makecell{\footnotesize Text te \\Text\\ \footnotesize KI Test Test Test } \\
   -0.33 & 5 & 6& 6 & 6 \\
  7 & 8 & 9 & 6 & 6\\


\setbeamercolor{page number in head/foot}{fg=structure.fg!10}
\frametitle{Test \hyperlink{details}{\beamergotobutton{Test}}}
\item Test
\item Test

\begin{frame}\frametitle{Test \& Test}

\bibitem[Beamerpaket]{paket} \emph{Beamer Paket} \\





enter image description here

  • Thanks for your answer, but I get an error: "! Undefined control sequence." I tried to get the 2nd of your tables. Commented Mar 9, 2020 at 14:43
  • So the second one from your tables is what I need. Commented Mar 9, 2020 at 14:52
  • The above code is not error. test in Texlive 2019
    – M.Ahmadi
    Commented Mar 9, 2020 at 14:54
  • But it doesn't work? Commented Mar 9, 2020 at 18:12
  • See edite.Did you process multiple versions?
    – M.Ahmadi
    Commented Mar 9, 2020 at 18:43

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