I am trying to create a template for following image. Note: The width of signature block is equal to text width.

I have written following code:

\newcommand{\Name}{Alpha Beta Gamma}
\newcommand{\Rank}{\LaTeX{} novice}
\newcommand{\Encl}{\textbf{Encl:} as stated}

\newcommand{\SignatureBlock}{\vspace*{1.34in} \hfill \begin{tabular}{l l@{}}
    & \MakeUppercase{\Name} \\
    & \Rank \\
    & \Designation \\
    & \Organization \\
    \Encl & \OffExt \\
\end{tabular} }


I am unable to align the last line.

1 Answer 1

\newcommand{\Name}{Alpha Beta Gamma}
\newcommand{\Rank}{\LaTeX{} novice}
\newcommand{\Encl}{\textbf{Encl:} as stated}

\noindent\Encl \hfill \Longstack[l]{
    \MakeUppercase{\Name} \\
    \Rank \\
    \Designation \\
    \Organization \\


enter image description here

  • The "Encl" does not start at the start of line. It is indented. Is it possible to remove indention? I have tried \newcommand{\SignatureBlock}{\par \noindet \vspace*{1.34in} but there are some point space even then.
    – Ali Baig
    Commented Mar 16, 2020 at 10:38
  • @AliBaig Thanks...\noindent\Encl Commented Mar 16, 2020 at 10:40

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