I am looking for a way to change the chapterstyle for the bibliography and two appendices in a thesis. Ideally, I would like to have other headings for the final chapters, that is different from the main chapters. In the new style, bib/appen would be aligned to the left and further towards the header of the page, wheres the main chapters keep their right alignment and overall more fancy style.
I have already done this kind of change for the frontmatter, just by defining a new \chapterstyle{frontmatter}. The ToC, abstract etc are now set in this style. But it has proved much more difficult for the bibliography and appendices. Now my question is, are there any suggestion as to how I can use a differnet chapterstyle for these final chapters?
It looks like the bibliography and appendix chapters are a part of the mainmatter, as there is no backmatter defined in the template. Should I try to move bib/appendix to the backmatter? How could I make a backmatter and assign chapters to it?
Thanks for any help the folks here can provide on this issue!
isn't recommended for use withmemoir
class. Sorry that wasn't clear. What I did for the frontmatter:\chapterstyle{frontmatter} \renewcommand*{\chaptitlefont}{\scshape\Large\sffamily\bfseries} \chapterstyle{default} \setlength{\beforechapskip}{-20pt} \setlength{\afterchapskip}{0.7cm} \renewcommand*{\chaptitlefont}{\scshape\Large\sffamily\bfseries} \renewcommand*{\chaptitlefont}{\kpfonts\scshape\Large\bfseries\color{darkgray}}
I'd like the bib and appendix to have the same style. I'm new to this, so the code may be a bit clumsy, but it works in my doc.