I use the exercise package for typesetting exercises and questions. I would like to avoid the classical indentation of the questions (due to the using of a list environment, but I'm not able to set the options of this list environment).




\Question \blindtext


By setting \QuestionIndent, I get the following : enter image description here

Is it possible to put the number in the text as below ? enter image description here

1 Answer 1


There is no global parameter to handle it, but one can patch the code. Note that \item shifts the label by \itemindent-\labelwidth-\labelsep so one can set \itemindent to compensate for the other two (of which \labelsep at least should not be set to 0pt).

The default \labelwidth=2em will place the number slightly indented. Setting \labelwidth=0pt will move the number just to the left of the margin (due to \hss). Using \settowidth{\labelwidth}{\theQuestion.} will move the number to the right of the margin.


\patchcmd{\@@@Question}{\labelwidth 2em}{\labelwidth 2em \itemindent=\labelwidth \advance\itemindent by \labelsep}{}{}
%\patchcmd{\@@@Question}{\labelwidth 2em}{\settowidth{\labelwidth}{\theQuestion.} \itemindent=\labelwidth \advance\itemindent by \labelsep}{}{}



\Question \blindtext


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