I have been using LaTeX for about a year now and I am fairly proficient in TextMate. I am currently experimenting with Emacs and AucTeX. I installed the starter kit that Keiran Healy has available. Everything seems to be working fine (all the packages are there and available), but I can't compile the .tex file. I get the following error:
Running `LaTeX' on `test' with ``xelatex --synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode "\input" test.tex''
/bin/sh: xelatex: command not found
LaTeX exited abnormally with code 127 at Thu Apr 26 21:02:58
I'm assuming this is probably something simple to fix, but I haven't been able to find a solution searching on here. When I compile the file in Textmate it says it is using pdfTeX. I guess I would like to use that since I've had no problems with it previously. Any help that could get me up and running would be greatly appreciated.
LaTeX' ontest' with ``lualatex --synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode "\input" test.tex'' /bin/sh: lualatex: command not found LaTeX exited abnormally with code 127 at Fri Apr 27 05:50:02
How do I go about setting the path for a Bourne shell? Do you think this is the problem even though I have no problems compiling through Textmate? And yes, I am on a Mac (OS X, lion)