I am very new to using Beamer to make posters. I am trying to use the confposter theme but even though beamerthemeconfposter.sty is in the same directory as the tex file I am using to generate the poster. Is there any way to resolve this? Here are the beginning lines of my tex file so far:
\usepackage{amsmath, fixltx2e}
\makeatletter \renewcommand{\@biblabel}[1]{#1.} \makeatother
\setbeamercolor{block title}{fg=ngreen,bg=white} % Colors of the block titles
\setbeamercolor{block body}{fg=black,bg=white} % Colors of the body of blocks
\setbeamercolor{block alerted title}{fg=white,bg=dblue!70}
% Colors of the highlighted block titles
\setbeamercolor{block alerted body}{fg=black,bg=dblue!10}
% Colors of the body of highlighted blocks
file was saved as.sty.txt
or something by mistake and Windows does not show the.txt