I have a .tex file which tries to input another local file:
%!TEX root = ../rings.tex
Both files analisis.tex
and toLatex.tex
reside in the same folder:
$latex/01_analisis$ ll
total 24
drwxrwxr-x 2 lucas lucas 4096 abr 13 12:30 ./
drwxrwxr-x 4 lucas lucas 4096 abr 13 12:41 ../
-rw-rw-r-- 1 lucas lucas 130 abr 13 12:41 analisis.tex
-rw-rw-r-- 1 lucas lucas 9919 abr 13 12:37 toLatex.tex
However, when I try to get the pdf (I'm using Sublime-text) I get an error message saying toLatex
cannot be found.
[Compiling latex/rings.tex]
TraditionalBuilder: Engine: pdflatex. Invoking latexmk... done.
latex/01_analisis/analisis.tex:11: LaTeX Error: File `toLatex.tex' not found. [\input{toLatex}]
It's weird because in the main.tex file I'm already using the \input{}
command and it's working.
Any hint? thanks!
the paths are relative to the working directory of the tex process