Is there a macro to make dimension lines in MetaPost? I didn't find anything useful in Metafun manual and others. To be precise, I want to draw something like the "Length" dimension line in the picture below:

enter image description here

  • 1
    One trick you can do is set ahangle := 180 and then use drawdblarrow.
    – Thruston
    Commented Apr 14, 2020 at 20:54

2 Answers 2


I have had a look through the various contributed macros available on CTAN, and I cannot see anything specifically to do dimension arrows, so here is an effort from me.

def drawdimarrow expr p = _apth:=p; _dimdarr enddef;

def _dimdarr text t =
  save dimbar; path dimbar;
  (_x, _y) = dir 1/2 ahangle;
  dimbar = (down--up) scaled (ahlength / _x * _y * 1.2);
  forsuffixes @=0, infinity:
    draw dimbar rotated angle direction @ of _apth shifted point @ of _apth withpen currentpen t; 
  drawdblarrow _apth withpen currentpen t

To use this, either paste the above lines in your MP file or put them in a separate file somewhere in your local TEXMF path, and use input to include it. Then you can do something like this:

    ahlength := 6; ahangle := 30;
    drawdimarrow (origin -- 100 right rotated 30);

enter image description here

You can customize the size and shape of the arrowheads with the usual internal parameters ahlength and ahangle. This should also work nicely with mparrows, so you can get different styles of arrowhead:

input mparrows
    drawdimarrow (origin -- 100 right rotated 30);

enter image description here

Here's one way you might use them in a more complicated drawing:

input mparrows

    path a; 
    a = unitsquare xscaled 89 yscaled 55 rotated 10;
    draw a;

    path d[];
    d1 = subpath (1, 2) of a shifted (10 unitvector(direction 3/2 of a rotated -90));
    d2 = subpath (2, 3) of a shifted (10 unitvector(direction 5/2 of a rotated -90));
    drawdimarrow d1;  
    drawdimarrow d2;

    picture p[];
    p1 = thelabel("55", point 1/2 of d1); unfill bbox p1; draw p1;
    label.top("89", point 1/2 of d2);

enter image description here

It might be tempting to extend the arrow macro to handle the labels, but I think that would be a mistake. It is more in the spirit of plain MP to make each macro do just one thing. So I suggest adding labels using the normal plain facilities for putting labels along a path; two possibilities are shown above.


Here's a way of doing it:

leadergap := 0.15cm;
def _draw_dim(expr A, B, extang, leadang, obliqueang, textang, offset, Text) =
  % Generic function to draw extension lines
    pair C, D, E, F, G, H;
    pair CA;
    pen cpen;
    cpen := currentpen;
    pickup defaultpen;
    C := A + offset * dir(extang);
    CA := dir(angle(C-A));
    % Project B-A in the direction of leadang
    D := C + (
        ((xpart (B-A)) * (xpart (dir(leadang))))
        + ((ypart (B-A)) * (ypart (dir(leadang)))))
      * dir(leadang);
    % Use C-A as the angle because it's set by offset which is non-zero hopefully
    E := C +  leaderextension * CA;
    F := D +  leaderextension * CA;
    G := A + leadergap * CA;
    H := B + leadergap * CA;
    picture lab;
    picture arr;
    arr := image(drawdblarrow (0,0)--(abs(D-C),0););
    draw ((arr slanted (sind(obliqueang)/cosd(obliqueang))) rotated angle(D-C)) shifted C;
    lab:=(thelabel(Text, (0,0)) slanted (sind(obliqueang)/cosd(obliqueang))) rotated textang shifted 0.5[C,D];
    draw G--E;
    draw H--F;
    unfill bbox lab; draw lab;
    pickup cpen;
def draw_aligned_dim(expr A, B, Text, offset) =
  _draw_dim(A, B, (angle(A-B) + 90), (angle(A-B)), 0, 0, offset, Text);
def draw_vertical_dim(expr A, B, Text, offset) =
  _draw_dim(A, B, (0), -90, 0, 0, offset, Text);
def draw_horizontal_dim(expr A, B, Text, offset) =
  _draw_dim(A, B, (90), 0, 0, 0, offset, Text);
def draw_oblique_dim(expr A, B, Text, offset, measang, extang, alt) =
  if alt:
    _draw_dim(A, B, extang, measang, extang, measang, offset, Text);
    _draw_dim(A, B, extang, measang, -extang, measang, offset, Text);
def draw_angle_dim(expr A, B, C, Text, offset) =
    cpen := currentpen;
    pickup defaultpen;
    pair D, E, F, G, H, I, J;
    numeric ang[];
    ang1 := angle(A-C);
    ang2 := angle(B-C);
    ang3 := (ang1 + ang2) / 2.0;
    D := A + offset * dir(ang1);
    E := C + (abs (D - C)) * dir(ang2);
    ang4 := angle(D-A);
    ang5 := angle(E-B);
    F := D + leaderextension * dir(ang4);
    G := E + leaderextension * dir(ang5);
    H := A + leadergap * dir(ang4);
    I := B + leadergap * dir(ang5);
    J := C + (abs(D - C) * dir(ang3));
    draw H--F;
    draw I--G;
    path p;
    p := D{dir(ang1 + 270)} .. J{dir(ang3 + 270)} .. E{dir(ang2 + 270)};
    drawdblarrow p;
    picture lab;
    lab := thelabel(Text, J);
    unfill bbox lab; draw lab;
    pickup cpen;
def draw_radial_dim(expr C, r, ang, Text, offset) =
    pair A, B, D;
    A := C + dir(ang) * r;
    B := C + dir(ang) * (r + offset);
    drawarrow (if offset > 0 : B else: C fi) --A;
    picture lab;
    lab := thelabel(Text, B);
    unfill bbox lab; draw lab;

Here's some example usage:

    pair v[];
    v[0] := (0,0);
    v[1] := (2cm, 0);
    v[1] := v[1] rotated 30;
    v[2] := v[1] rotated 120 shifted v[1];
    v[3] := v[1] rotated 120;
    v[4] := v[1] rotated 240;
    v[5] := v[1] shifted v[4];
    v[6] := v[3] shifted v[4];
    draw v[0]--v[1]--v[2]--v[3]--cycle;
    draw v[0]--v[4]--v[5]--v[1];
    draw v[4]--v[6]--v[3];
    draw_oblique_dim(v[5], v[1], btex vert etex, 2cm, 90, 30, true);
    draw_oblique_dim(v[5], v[1], btex vert etex, 2cm, 90, -30, true);
    draw_oblique_dim(v[4], v[5], btex flat etex, 2cm, 30, -30, true);
    draw_oblique_dim(v[6], v[4], btex flat etex, -2cm, -30, 30, true);
    draw_oblique_dim(v[4], v[0], btex vert etex, 2cm, 90, -30, false);
    draw_oblique_dim(v[3], v[0], btex vert etex, -2cm, -30, 30, false);

    numeric u;
    u := 2in;
    pair P[];
    P0 = (0,0);
    P1 = (1u, 0);
    P2 = (0.4u, 0.7u);
    draw P0--P1--P2--cycle;
    draw_aligned_dim(P0, P1, btex $a$ etex, .2u);
    draw_aligned_dim(P1, P2, btex $b$ etex, .2u);
    draw_aligned_dim(P2, P0, btex $c$ etex, .2u);
    draw_angle_dim(P0, P2, P1, btex $\theta$ etex, -.5u);
    label(btex $c^2 = a^2 + b^2 - 2 a b \cos{\theta}$ etex, (0.5u, -.4u));
  endgroup  ;

    path c;
    numeric radius;
    radius := 0.75in;
    c := fullcircle scaled (2 * radius);
    draw fullcircle scaled .1in;
    draw c;
    draw_radial_dim((0,0), radius, 120, btex $r$ etex, -0.25in);
    pair P[];
    P1 := (point 5 of c);
    P2 := (point 8 of c);
    dotlabel.lft(btex $A$ etex, P1);
    dotlabel.rt(btex $B$ etex, P2);
    path beam;
    beam := P1--P2;
    draw beam withpen pencircle scaled 1bp;
    dotlabel.ulft(btex $dog$ etex, 0.3[P1,P2]);
    draw_aligned_dim(P1, P2, btex $l$ etex, 0.75in);


Law of Cosines


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