I have two images. How do I align them side by side and scale them so that both of them together occupy the whole horizontal space in a beamer presentation?


4 Answers 4


If vertical size do not matter, then you could use

\includegraphics[width=<X>\textwidth]{<first image>}%
\includegraphics[width=<1-X>\textwidth]{<second image>}

Here <X> denotes a number in (0,1), while <1-X> denotes its complement in the interval (0,1). Note the % to remove any space between the images. For equally-sized images, <X>=<1-X>=.5. Using only width as the scaling dimension will scale the height proportionally, maintaining the aspect ratio.

If vertical size does matter, you can also specify the height.

  • 2
    why do I get Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted) error? for \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{peer}
    – epsilon8
    Commented Apr 30, 2012 at 21:13
  • @user494461: I don't know. You need to provide more context (either in comment, but preferably by editing your original question).
    – Werner
    Commented Apr 30, 2012 at 21:23
  • @user494461: This should work perfectly. Could you check it again. If the issue is still there, please post a full compilable example which causes the issue. Commented Apr 30, 2012 at 22:38
  • 1
    That works fine for me. However I want to add captions under the images. So I have to use some figure environnement for which your solution does not work. I find minicaption able to do that in beamer. The only problem is that you have two width: the width of the minifigure and the width of the image in the figure so tweaking is needed. Commented Sep 19, 2017 at 20:15
  • +1 for the % at the line end. This one gets me again and again. Commented Oct 12, 2020 at 13:25

If you want to add captions to it, I suggest:

\begin{frame}{Pixelweise Segmentierung}
            \caption{Label for a}
            \caption{Label for b}

Additionally, you might want to add the line


to prevent the prefix "Figure" (source).


Just use width=0.5\textwidth instead of scale=3. The width option will scale an image to match the given width while keeping the aspect ratio.

To get a little white space between them you may use something like this.


You can use the columns enviroment:


  • 2
    This won't scale the images to the required size. Commented Apr 30, 2012 at 22:37
  • I had wrongly interpreted the question, my bad.
    – gcedo
    Commented May 1, 2012 at 12:04
  • 1
    There's a small typo. Replace 'texwidth' by 'textwidth' ;-) Commented Jan 23, 2021 at 9:06

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