Preamble: Because this question is rather specific, I'd rather comment on either of the partial solutions I found so far. Unfortunately the reputation-limit keeps me from doing so, so here we go...
I am creating separate entries in both the glossary and the abbreviations with a single new command (by jules-randolph, original solution).
first={#4 (#3)},
For reference, the call's signature is \newdualentry[⟨options⟩]{⟨label⟩}{⟨abbrv⟩}{⟨long⟩}{⟨description⟩}
Now I would like to Title Case the glossary entry's name as well as the acronym's description while keeping the text lowercase (unless defined otherwise).
Simply switching to glossaries-extra and adding a few configuration lines as in Nicola Talbot's solution did not do the trick.
Any ideas? Also, an opt-in (or opt-out) of Title Casing within the glossary/acronyms could be very useful.
Example: \newdualentry{lcit}{LCIT}{lower case in text}{description}
Currently, the following entries are created:
Glossary: lower case in text description
Acronym: LCIT lower case in text
Expected future behavior:
Glossary: Lower Case In Text description
Acronym: LCIT Lower Case In Text
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