I am learning how to make figures using TikZ, and I am trying to do a stack of 5 cylinders with gaps between them. I am thinking about something like the following graph:


I have managed to plot 5 stacked cylinders as:

\node (Electrode0) [cylinder, shape border rotate=90, draw,
minimum height=1.322cm,minimum width=2.976cm, fill=white] {};
\node (Electrode1) [cylinder, shape border rotate=90, draw,
minimum height=1.322cm,minimum width=2.976cm,
above=0.05cm of Electrode0.before top, anchor=after bottom, fill=white] {};
\node (Electrode2) [cylinder, shape border rotate=90, draw,
minimum height=1.322cm,minimum width=2.976cm,
above=0.05cm of Electrode1.before top, anchor=after bottom, fill=white] {};
\node (Electrode3) [cylinder, shape border rotate=90, draw,
minimum height=1.322cm,minimum width=2.976cm,
above=0.05cm of Electrode2.before top, anchor=after bottom, fill=white] {};
\node (Electrode4) [cylinder, shape border rotate=90, draw,
minimum height=1.322cm,minimum width=2.976cm,
above=0.05cm of Electrode3.before top, anchor=after bottom, fill=white] {};

My try

Can someone point me into the right direction on how to make the cylinders hollow, and how can I cut them in half like the picture above?

1 Answer 1


Just define a pic for this and use some orthographic projection from e.g. the perspective library. The pic half cylinder shell has the parameters r (inner radius), h (height) and dr (thickness of the mantle). It names some coordinates that get prefixed by the name of the pic and can be used from the outside.

\begin{tikzpicture}[bullet/.style={circle,fill,inner sep=1.5pt},
    pics/half cylinder shell/.style={code={
    \tikzset{half cylinder shell/.cd,#1}
    \def\pv##1{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/half cylinder shell/##1}}%
    \pgfmathsetmacro{\alphacrit}{(az < 0 ? 180+az : az)} 
    \pgfmathsetmacro{\alphamax}{(az < 0 ? 180 : 0)} 
    \draw plot[variable=\t,domain=0:180,smooth]
    \foreach \XX/\YY in {-1/L,1/R} 
        ({\XX*\pv{r}},0,-\pv{h}/2) coordinate (-plate-\YY-ib)
      -- ({\XX*(\pv{r}+\pv{dr})},0,-\pv{h}/2) coordinate (-plate-\YY-ob)
      -- ({\XX*(\pv{r}+\pv{dr})},0,\pv{h}/2) coordinate (-plate-\YY-ot)
      -- ({\XX*\pv{r}},0,\pv{h}/2) coordinate (-plate-\YY-it)
      -- cycle;}
 half cylinder shell/.cd,r/.initial=1,dr/.initial=0.2,h/.initial=1]
 \begin{scope}[3d view={20}{15},scale=1.5,transform shape]
   (0,0,0) pic(hc1){half cylinder shell={h=0.8}}
   (0,0,0.8) pic(hc2){half cylinder shell={h=0.4}}
   (0,0,1.3) pic(hc3){half cylinder shell={h=0.2}}
   (0,0,1.8) pic(hc4){half cylinder shell={h=0.4}}
   (0,0,2.6) pic(hc5){half cylinder shell={h=0.8}};
  \draw[red,-latex] (0,0,-0.5) -- (0,0,4)node[below right,black]{$z$}; 
  \draw[red] (0,0,2.6) -- ($(hc5-plate-L-it)!0.5!(hc5-plate-L-ib)$)
 \draw[red] foreach \X in {1,5}
 {($(hc\X-plate-L-ot)!0.5!(hc\X-plate-L-ob)$) node[bullet,label=above
 left:{$U_2=0$}]{}  -- ++ (-1.5,0)}
  foreach \X in {2,4}
 {($(hc\X-plate-L-ot)!0.5!(hc\X-plate-L-ob)$) node[bullet,label=above
 left:{$U_1$}]{}  -- ++ (-1.5,0)}
  foreach \X in {3}
 {($(hc\X-plate-L-ot)!0.5!(hc\X-plate-L-ob)$) node[bullet,label=above
 left:{$U_0$}]{}  -- ++ (-1.5,0)};  

enter image description here

As usual, one can simplify some things and make others fancier. For instance, one can place the half cylinders in a loop, and shade them.

\begin{tikzpicture}[bullet/.style={circle,fill,inner sep=1.5pt},
    pics/half cylinder shell/.style={code={
    \tikzset{half cylinder shell/.cd,#1}
    \def\pv##1{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/half cylinder shell/##1}}%
    \pgfmathsetmacro{\alphacrit}{(az < 0 ? 180+az : az)} 
    \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\alphamax}{(az < 0 ? 180 : 0)} 
     \draw[left color=gray!30,middle color=white,right color=gray!50!black]
     \draw[left color=gray,right color=gray!10] 
       -- plot[variable=\t,domain=\alphacrit:\alphamax,smooth]
       -- cycle;     
     \draw[left color=gray!30,middle color=white,right color=gray!50!black]
     \draw[left color=gray!10,right color=gray] 
       -- plot[variable=\t,domain=\alphacrit:\alphamax,smooth]
       -- cycle;     
    \foreach \XX/\YY in {-1/L,1/R} 
        ({\XX*\pv{r}},0,-\pv{h}/2) coordinate (-plate-\YY-ib)
      -- ({\XX*(\pv{r}+\pv{dr})},0,-\pv{h}/2) coordinate (-plate-\YY-ob)
      -- ({\XX*(\pv{r}+\pv{dr})},0,\pv{h}/2) coordinate (-plate-\YY-ot)
      -- ({\XX*\pv{r}},0,\pv{h}/2) coordinate (-plate-\YY-it)
      -- cycle;}
 half cylinder shell/.cd,r/.initial=1,dr/.initial=0.2,h/.initial=1]
 \begin{scope}[3d view={-20}{15},scale=1.5,transform shape]
  \foreach \X [count=\Y,remember=\X as \LastX (initially 0),
    remember=\TotalX as \TotalX (initially 0)] 
    in {0.8,0.4,0.2,0.4,0.8}% <- heights of the half cylinders
    \path (0,0,\TotalX) pic(hc\Y)   {half cylinder shell={h=\X}};}  
  \draw[red,-latex] (0,0,-0.5) -- (0,0,4)node[below right,black]{$z$}; 
  \draw[red] (0,0,2.6) -- ($(hc5-plate-L-it)!0.5!(hc5-plate-L-ib)$)
 \draw[red] foreach \X in {1,5}
 {($(hc\X-plate-L-ot)!0.5!(hc\X-plate-L-ob)$) node[bullet,label=above
 left:{$U_2=0$}]{}  -- ++ (-1.5,0)}
  foreach \X in {2,4}
 {($(hc\X-plate-L-ot)!0.5!(hc\X-plate-L-ob)$) node[bullet,label=above
 left:{$U_1$}]{}  -- ++ (-1.5,0)}
  foreach \X in {3}
 {($(hc\X-plate-L-ot)!0.5!(hc\X-plate-L-ob)$) node[bullet,label=above
 left:{$U_0$}]{}  -- ++ (-1.5,0)};  

enter image description here

This also shows that one can change the view angles to some extent.

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