My table is filled and all boxes are filled. I have made similar tables elsewhere in the document with no issues. (It is a conjugation table for verbs in a conlang I'm making, if you're wondering.)

My table:

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, draft]{report}
\usepackage{multirow, booktabs} % table packages
    \textbf{ASPECT} &\textbf{MOOD} &\textbf{A-CLASS} &\textbf{O-CLASS} &\textbf{U-CLASS} &\textbf{I-CLASS} \cr
    \multirow{8}{*}{\textbf{\rotatebox{90}{CONTINUOUS}}} &\textbf{INDICATIVE} &JAL &JOL &JUL &JIL
    \\ &\textbf{OPTATIVE} &JAJA &JOJO &JUJU &JIJI
    \\ &\textbf{JOCATIVE} &JAM &JŌM &JŪM &JĪM
    \\ &\textbf{SARCASTATIVE} &JAN &JON &JŪN &JĪN \cr
    \multirow{8}{*}{\textbf{\rotatebox{90}{PERFECTIVE}}} &\textbf{INDICATIVE} &FĀL &FOL &FEL &LILF
    \\ &\textbf{OPTATIVE} &FĀI &FŌI &FĒ &FĪJĪ
    \\ &\textbf{IMPERATIVE} &FATI &FOTI &FUTI &FI
    \\ &\textbf{JUSSIVE} &FAJI &FOJI &FUJI &FIJ
    \\ &\textbf{CONATIVE} &FĀVA &FŌVO &FŪVO &FĪV
    \\ &\textbf{JOCATIVE} &FAM &FŌM &FŪM &FĪM
    \\ &\textbf{SARCASTATIVE} &FAN &FON &FŪN &FĪN \cr
  • 2
    dont use \cr in latex, use \\ (which ends a row, not starts one) Commented Apr 29, 2020 at 11:49
  • 6
    The rule is from [draft] to show that your tabular is too wide for the page. Commented Apr 29, 2020 at 12:06
  • How would I make it thinner?
    – Adoria298
    Commented Apr 29, 2020 at 12:13
  • 1
    reduce the font size inside the table. Use \small or \footnotesize before \begin{tabular}, but remeber to group inside brackets { ... }, otherwise you'll change the font size of the whole document Commented Apr 29, 2020 at 12:23

3 Answers 3


As @JohnKormylo has already noted in a comment, LaTeX inserts a thick vertical line -- knows as a "slug" in typography jargon -- along the right-hand edge of the tabular environment because (a) the draft document class option has been set and (b) the width of the tabular environment exceeds the value of \textwidth.

Short of rewriting and simplifying the entire table, the best way to get make the material in the available space is to simplify the headers of the four data columns. Below is a suggested solution which puts the word "class" across all four data columns.

enter image description here

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, draft]{report}
\usepackage{multirow, booktabs, graphicx}
    \textbf{ASPECT} &\textbf{MOOD} 
    &&\textbf{A} &\textbf{O} &\textbf{U} &\textbf{I} 
    \\ \midrule
       &\textbf{INDICATIVE}   &JAL   &JOL &JUL &JIL
    \\ &\textbf{OPTATIVE}     &JAJA  &JOJO &JUJU &JIJI
    \\ &\textbf{JUSSIVE}      &JAJAI &JOJOI &JEJU &JIJIA
    \\ &\textbf{CONATIVE}     &JAVAL &JOVOL &JUVĒIL &JIVIL 
    \\ &\textbf{JOCATIVE}     &JAM   &JŌM &JŪM &JĪM
    \\ &\textbf{SARCASTATIVE} &JAN   &JON &JŪN &JĪN 
    \\ \midrule
       &\textbf{INDICATIVE}   &FĀL   &FOL &FEL &LILF
    \\ &\textbf{OPTATIVE}     &FĀI   &FŌI &FĒ &FĪJĪ
    \\ &\textbf{IMPERATIVE}   &FATI  &FOTI &FUTI &FI
    \\ &\textbf{JUSSIVE}      &FAJI  &FOJI &FUJI &FIJ
    \\ &\textbf{CONDITIONAL}  &FĀKA  &FŌKO &FŪKŪ &FĪV
    \\ &\textbf{CONATIVE}     &FĀVA  &FŌVO &FŪVO &FĪV
    \\ &\textbf{JOCATIVE}     &FAM   &FŌM &FŪM &FĪM
    \\ &\textbf{SARCASTATIVE} &FAN   &FON &FŪN &FĪN 
    \\ \bottomrule

I would redesign your table, similarly as @Mico did in his nice answer (+1). With use of the packages rotating and makecell beside already used, the suggested MWE is:

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, draft]{report}
\usepackage{booktabs, makecell, multirow}
%---------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!

\settowidth\rotheadsize{\theadfont  CONTINUOUS}
\begin{tabular*}{\linewidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} >{\bfseries}c 
                                                    >{\bfseries}l *{4}{l}
    &   \multirow{2.4}{*}{MOOD}
    &   &   \thead{A} &\thead{O} &\thead{U} &\thead{I}  \\ 
    &INDICATIVE    &JAL   &JOL   &JUL    &JIL   \\ 
    &OPTATIVE      &JAJA  &JOJO  &JUJU   &JIJI  \\ 
    &JOCATIVE      &JAM   &JŌM   &JŪM    &JĪM   \\ 
    &SARCASTATIVE  &JAN   &JON   &JŪN    &JĪN   \\ 
    &INDICATIVE    &FĀL   &FOL   &FEL    &LILF  \\ 
    &OPTATIVE      &FĀI   &FŌI   &FĒ     &FĪJĪ  \\ 
    &IMPERATIVE    &FATI  &FOTI  &FUTI   &FI    \\ 
    &JUSSIVE       &FAJI  &FOJI  &FUJI   &FIJ   \\ 
    &CONATIVE      &FĀVA  &FŌVO  &FŪVO   &FĪV   \\ 
    &JOCATIVE      &FAM   &FŌM   &FŪM    &FĪM   \\ 
    &SARCASTATIVE  &FAN   &FON   &FŪN    &FĪN   \\ 

enter image description here

(red lines indicate text borders)


Reducing the font size to \footnotesize allows to fit the table in the page:

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, draft]{report}
\usepackage{multirow, booktabs} % table packages
    \scriptsize % just reduce the font size
        \textbf{ASPECT} &\textbf{MOOD} &\textbf{A-CLASS} &\textbf{O-CLASS} &\textbf{U-CLASS} &\textbf{I-CLASS} \cr
        \multirow{8}{*}{\textbf{\rotatebox{90}{CONTINUOUS}}} &\textbf{INDICATIVE} &JAL &JOL &JUL &JIL
        \\ &\textbf{OPTATIVE} &JAJA &JOJO &JUJU &JIJI
        \\ &\textbf{IMPERATIVE} &JATAI &JOTOI &JUTE &JITĪ
        \\ &\textbf{JUSSIVE} &JAJAI &JOJOI &JEJU &JIJIA
        \\ &\textbf{INTERROGATIVE} &JANA &JONŌ &JUNŪ &JINĪ
        \\ &\textbf{CONDITIONAL} &JAKA &JOKO &JUKU &JILKI
        \\ &\textbf{CONATIVE} &JAVAL &JOVOL &JUVĒIL &JIVIL
        \\ &\textbf{JOCATIVE} &JAM &JŌM &JŪM &JĪM
        \\ &\textbf{SARCASTATIVE} &JAN &JON &JŪN &JĪN \cr
        \multirow{8}{*}{\textbf{\rotatebox{90}{PERFECTIVE}}} &\textbf{INDICATIVE} &FĀL &FOL &FEL &LILF
        \\ &\textbf{SUBJUNCTIVE} &FATAL &FOTŌL &FUTEL &FIL
        \\ &\textbf{OPTATIVE} &FĀI &FŌI &FĒ &FĪJĪ
        \\ &\textbf{IMPERATIVE} &FATI &FOTI &FUTI &FI
        \\ &\textbf{JUSSIVE} &FAJI &FOJI &FUJI &FIJ
        \\ &\textbf{INTERROGATIVE} &FANA &FONO &FUNI &FINĪ
        \\ &\textbf{CONDITIONAL} &FĀKA &FŌKO &FŪKŪ &FĪV
        \\ &\textbf{CONATIVE} &FĀVA &FŌVO &FŪVO &FĪV
        \\ &\textbf{JOCATIVE} &FAM &FŌM &FŪM &FĪM
        \\ &\textbf{SARCASTATIVE} &FAN &FON &FŪN &FĪN \cr

enter image description here

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