I want change the biblatex
postnote behavior for the numeric
style. Combining the numeric style with a lot of numbers in a postnote makes it really confusing to read IMO. The postnote for the \autocite
command should appear behind the square brackets inside round brackets like this:
I'm not sure what the correct approach is regarding breakable spaces and so on. I've tried to solution of this question but it did not work for \autocite
title = {Verordnung (EU) 2017/745 \"uber Medizinprodukte},
author = {{N. N.}},
date = {2017},
location = {{Europ\"aisches Parlament, Br\"ussel}}
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=ext-numeric, citestyle=numeric-comp, autocite=inline,]{biblatex}
\autocite[Kapitel II, Art. 5, Abs. 3]{mdr}
Desired output: [1](Kapitel II, Art. 5, Abs. 3)