Andrew Stacey pointed out that the Rosetta Code entry "Draw a Sphere" doesn't have a TikZ entry yet.
Is there a way to draw a "properly" shaded sphere using TikZ? The ball
shading would seem an obvious choice, but it uses a circular highlight, which is not what it would look like in reality. So: is there a way to make a sphere that would resemble a white, matte (i.e. non-shiny) ball that is illuminated by a single white light source?
This would mainly require getting a non-circular, correctly oriented highlight, I believe. Both Yori's and Altermundus' answer already do a great job at using a "softer" highlight, which looks more believable, but Altermundus' highlight is still circular, and while Yoris' is elliptic, it's not oriented correctly, I think.
Compare a circle with the ball
shading to the example made with Perl 6:
\scriptsize That's not a sphere.
\fill [black] (-1,-1) rectangle (1,1);
\shade [ball color=white] (0,0) circle [radius=1cm];
\scriptsize \emph{That's} a sphere.