I want to make a sigma complex with chemfig, but the alkene is anchored to the south-west corner, and not the center. How can I fix this?



\definesubmol{A}{CO -[2] Cr (>:[:20]CO) (>[:-20]CO) (>:[:160]OC) (>[:-160]OC)}
\chemfig{!{A} -[:90] =}

This image shows the undesirable behavior:

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


You could draw two double bonds with a half of default length. The code below show such approach (with different color to help the understand).


\definesubmol{A}{CO -[2] Cr (>:[:20]CO) (>[:-20]CO) (>:[:160]OC) (>[:-160]OC)}

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