I provide a solution, based on TikZ, that automates the process of creation by simply calling this command:
\qoc{How wide?}{Wide,Narrow}{1}{Ease of hitting with a mouse,Screen compactness}{{1},{2}}{{2},{1}}
It is quite heavy in the number of arguments unfortunately; let's examine them:
- the first one is the starting point;
- the second contains the list of items in the second stage (the first one is shown in the bottom);
- the third command allows you to decide which of the items in the second stage is selected and thus put into a box;
- the fourth contains the list of items in the third stage (with the same rule: the first is put in the bottom, the last on the top)
- the fifth command is used to create positive edges (with a countinuous line); the rule is the following:
means that the first module of the second stage is connected with the first module of the third stage; you can list them, thus {{2},{1,3}}
means that the second module of the second stage is connected with the first and third module of the third stage;
- the sixth command is quite similar to the previous one, but it is used to create negative edges (with a dashed line).
I know that it seems quite strange, but look at the MWE:
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={anchor=center, align=left},
thirdstage/.style={anchor=west,text width=4cm, align=left},rotate=-90]
% First stage
\node (X){Q: #1};
\foreach \z [count=\xi] in {#2} {\global\let\maxz\xi}
\foreach \w [count=\yi] in {#4} {\global\let\maxw\yi}
% Nodes definition second stage
\foreach \z [count=\xi] in {#2}
\node[rectangle,draw] (X\xi) at (\angle:2.5cm) {O: \z };
\node (X\xi) at (\angle:2.5cm) {O: \z };
\path (X)edge(X\xi) ;
% Nodes definition third stage
\foreach \w [count=\yi] in {#4}
\node[thirdstage,xshift=5cm] (XX\yi) at (\angle:2.5cm) {C: \w};
% Positive connections (dashed)
\foreach \x [count=\xi] in {#5}
\foreach \y in \x
% Negative connections (dashed)
\foreach \x [count=\xi] in {#6}
\foreach \y in \x
\qoc{How wide?}{Wide,Narrow}{1}{ Ease of hitting with a mouse,Screen compactness}{{1},{2}}{{2},{1}}
\qoc{How to display?}{Appearing,Permanent}{1}{Continuous feedback to users,Screen compactness,Low user effort}{{2},{3,1}}{{1,3},{2}}
\qoc{How to display?}{Appearing,Permanent}{1}{Continuous feedback to users,Screen compactness,Low user effort,No user effort}{{2,4},{3,1}}{{1,3},{2,4}}
that gives you:
The part you really have to insert inside the document is not too much distant from the pseudo code you provided in the question; moreover my solution guarantees you that it works for a variable number of items (not too large I think) in both stages.
button, or enclosing it in backticks (for inline code) or indenting by four spaces (for code blocks). I've also removed the "Thanks" from the message, that's just the common style here.