I asked how to draw a methane with correct dashes and wedges. All was fine till I realized the plane I added should cut through the carbon atom in the middle. lt doesn't.
The solution I see is to draw the plane and then draw again half of the carbon atom. I've drawn polygons before, but drawing a dome is beyond me. I tried to imitate these questions but failed, partially because they draw the "northern" hemisphere instead of the "western".
\tdplotsetmaincoords{85}{125}% Determines point of view
H atom/.style={circle,fill=hyd,draw=atomshell,thick,inner sep=4.5pt},
C atom/.style={circle,fill=carb,draw=atomshell,thick,inner sep=9pt}]
\coordinate (c01) at (0,0,0);
\coordinate (c01) at (0,0,0);
\coordinate (h01) at (\c,\c,\c);
\coordinate (h02) at (-\c,-\c,\c);
\coordinate (h03) at (\c,-\c,-\c);
\coordinate (h04) at (-\c,\c,-\c);
\coordinate (cor01) at (\c,-\c,\c);
\coordinate (cor02) at (-\c,\c,\c);
\coordinate (cor03) at (\c,\c,-\c);
\coordinate (cor04) at (-\c,-\c,-\c);
% Cube's edges
\begin{scope}[thick,line join = round]
\draw (h01) -- (cor01) -- (h02) -- (cor02) -- cycle;
\draw (h03) -- (cor04) -- (h04) -- (cor03) -- cycle;
\draw (h03) -- (cor01);
\draw (h04) -- (cor02);
\draw (h01) -- (cor03);
% Solid bonds (dash and wedge not needed for this projection)
\begin{scope}[very thick]
\draw (c01) -- (h01);
\draw (c01) -- (h02);
\draw (c01) -- (h03);
\draw (c01) -- (h04);
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\begin{scope}[thick,line join = round]
\draw (h02) -- (cor04);
\begin{scope}[xshift = -9em, yshift = -6em]
\draw [->] (0,0,0) -- (0.9,0,0) node [below right=-0.2em and -0.2em] {$x$};
\draw [->] (0,0,0) -- (0,0.7,0) node [below left= -0.2em and -0.2em] {$y$};
\draw [->] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,0.6) node [below left] {$z$};
% Carbon atom
\path (c01) node[C atom]{};
% Shaded plane
\fill[colsigmaMet,opacity=0.65] (h01) -- (h02) -- (cor04) -- (cor03) -- cycle;
\draw[->,colsigmaarrowMet,thick] (c01) -- ($0.6*(1,-1,0)$);
% H atoms
foreach \X in {1,...,4} {
(h0\X) node[H atom](H0\X){} };
\node at (h01) [below right=0.15em and 0.3em] {$h_1$};
\node at (h02) [above left=0.3em and 0.3em] {$h_2$};
\node at (h03) [left=0.6em] {$h_3$};
\node at (h04) [right=0.6em] {$h_4$};