I have encountered several bibliographic style difficulties since using authoryear-ext
My first problem is following the use of innamebeforetitle-true
which allows the inversion of the editor and the title. Although practical, it changes the format by putting the first and last name when I would like "Author (I.) dir." I read in the documentation that the format used was that in:editor (+ others)
but I don't know how to change it.
Second problem: I would like to put a dot at the end of the title (article title, proceedings, etc.). I can't do it for proceedings and inproceedings.
Third problem: I would like to put the collection and the collection number in parenthesis at the end. I got there but in the case of inproceedings the information appeared twice.
Thank you,
\usepackage{xpatch} %permet de bidouiller plus en profondeur le code pour la bibliographie
mergedate=false, %enleve le tiret
innamebeforetitle=true, %inversion byeditor et titre
articlein=false, %enleve le in des articles
%Etiquette, gras, avec deux points.
%permet de mettre en minustile les styles de citation
\DeclareDelimAlias{finalnamedelim}{multinamedelim} %harmonise les étiquettes et les noms
\renewcommand*{\newunitpunct}{\addcomma\space} %met une virgule à la place de tous les segments
\renewcommand*{\revsdnamepunct}{\addspace} %enleve ponctuation entre prénom et nom.
test {\ifdefvoid{#2}}
test {\ifdefvoid{#4}}}
test {\ifdefvoid{#2}}
test {\ifdefvoid{#4}}}
test {\ifdefvoid{#2}}
test {\ifdefvoid{#3}}}
test {\ifdefvoid{#2}}
test {\ifdefvoid{#3}}}
\renewbibmacro*{name:andothers}{% Based on name:andothers from biblatex.def
test {\ifnumequal{\value{listcount}}{\value{liststop}}}
test \ifmorenames
\DeclareDelimFormat[bib]{nametitledelim}{\space\textendash\space} %limite entre nom et titre
\DeclareDelimFormat{editortypedelim}{\addspace} %ponctuation pour dir. et prénom
%met en italique les titres
%gere la commande in
%rajoute la date à la fin
%rajoute une virgule à la place des deux points
%rajoute des virgule au lieu des deux points
%enleve les parenthèses pour les dates et les lieux de colloque
test {\iffieldundef{venue}}
test {\iffieldundef{eventyear}}
%permet de modifier citation
byeditor = {\iffieldequalstr{keywords}{source}
{Établit\space par}%
in = {\textit{in}},
editor = {dir\adddot},%
editors = {dir\adddot},%
byeditor = {dir\adddot},
mathesis = {Mém\adddotspace de master\addcomma},
phdthesis = {Thèse de doct\adddot\space\addcomma},
%% Pour avoir collaboration après l'auteur pour namea et enleve année supplémentaire
test \ifuseauthor
not test {\ifnameundef{author}}
%enlève la virugule avant dir. et permet d'enlever aussi la parenthèse et l'année supplémentaire
test \ifuseeditor
not test {\ifnameundef{editor}}
% \setunit{\addcomma\space}% DELETED
\setunit{\addspace}% ADDED
% \usebibmacro{#1}% DELETED
\printtext{\usebibmacro{#1}}% ADDED
%met entre parenthèse la collection et le numéro dans la même parenthèse
}} %%% il y a un point en enleveant \nopunct.
%permet de mettre collection à la fin en rajouter une virgule avant.
{\typeout{Warning: Failed to remove series+number from driver #1.}}
{\typeout{Warning: Failed to add series+number to driver #1.}}}
%permet de patcher pour les
%permet de mettre un point à la fin du titre
%permet de mettre un point à la fin du titre
%permet de mettre un point à la fin du titre
%permet de mettre un point à la fin du titre
%%% permet de mettre un point pour les booktitles
\printunit{\adddot\space} %rajoute un point à la fin du titre du bouquin dans inprooceedings
%%%% permet de mettre un point pour les booktitles
% \usebibmacro{maintitle}%
% \printunit{\adddot\space} %rajoute un point à la fin du titre du bouquin dans inprooceedings
author = {de Vangelis, {\relax Cl}aire-Annie},
title = {Title},
booktitle = {Book 2},
year = {2000},
pages = {320-335},
crossref = {book2},
author = {Hélène Henri},
title = {Book 2},
year = {2000},
pagetotal = {400},
editor = {Henri Point},
address = {Lieu},
publisher = {Publisher},
evendate = {1990-10},
series = {Serie},
number = {1},
venue = {Actes du colloque},
title = {Title},
publisher = {Publisher},
year = {1999},
editor = {Michel Jean},
pagetotal = {680},
address = {Lieu},
number = {12},
series = {Serie},
namea = {Martin, Jean-Claude},
nameatype = {collaborator},
timestamp = {2019-06-15},
title = {Title},
year = {1990},
editor = {Michel René},
publisher = {Publisher},
address = {Lieu},
pagetotal = {294},
series = {Serie},
Number = {1},
venue = {Actes de la table-ronde},
eventdate = {1989-03-11},
author = {Jean Martin},
title = {Title},
school = {Université},
year = {2013},
address = {Lieu},
institution = {Institution},
pagetotal = {721},
author = {Jean Claude},
institution = {Institution},
pagetotal = {20},
title = {Title},
year = {1990},
type = {Rapport de fouille},