I want to compile my document with tex4ebook texlive. But it found a few errors, first of them is "!Undefined control sequence. \cw:TITLE+ ->\titlefont Title 1.104 \begin{document}"

In my document I have that lines:

\font\titlefont=cmr12 at 40pt
\title {\titlefont Title}

It compile nicely in pdf format. How I can to fix that errors with tex4ebook?

My document (with a few editing (name, title, etc.)

\documentclass[12pt, twodise]{book}
\usepackage[polish, russian, english]{babel}
\usepackage[inner=0.75in, outer=0.75in, top=0.75in, bottom=0.75in, paperwidth=6in, paperheight=9in]{geometry}% inner=0.875in

    \centering\includegraphics[angle=#1, width=\textwidth]{#3}
    \centering{\Large #2}
    \center{\includegraphics[angle=#1, width=\textwidth]{#3}}
\newcommandx{\lpic}[3][1=0, 2=]{
%   \clearpage
%   \thispagestyle{empty}
    \center{\includegraphics[angle=#1, width=0.8\textheight]{#3}}
    \begin{figure}[p]% will be the left-side figure
    \includegraphics[trim=0 0 {.5\wd0} 0,width=\dimexpr\paperwidth\relax,clip]{#1}
    \captionsetup{font = Large, labelfont=Large, singlelinecheck = false, format= hang, justification=raggedleft, labelsep=space}
    \includegraphics[trim={.5\wd0} 0 0 0,width=\dimexpr\paperwidth\relax,clip]{#1}
    \captionsetup{font = Large, labelfont=Large, singlelinecheck = false, format= hang, labelsep=space, justification=centering} %justification=justified
% \pagestyle{fancy}



\font\titlefont=cmr12 at 40pt
\font\authorfont=cmr12 at 24pt
\title {\titlefont .........}
\author {\authorfont .........}
\epigraph {``............''} {\textit{.........}}



  • can you please make a complete MWE? I cannot reproduce your issue, but it may be caused by a interaction between packages.
    – michal.h21
    Commented May 21, 2020 at 12:09
  • Thanks for the answer. I do not know what MWE is, but I am editing my post by adding a short version of my document.
    – Vladimir
    Commented May 21, 2020 at 12:30
  • @Vladimir: book doesn't provide a twodise option.
    – Werner
    Commented May 21, 2020 at 18:50

1 Answer 1


You can neutralize macros that cause issues in the \title command using \Configure{@TITLE}. The problem is that it's contents are reused in the <title> element in the HTML header, which shouldn't contain any child elements.

Save the following code as myconfig.cfg:


Compile your file using

tex4ebook -c myconfig.cfg filename.tex

This is the result:

enter image description here

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