The following file, a very much shortened version of my 2000 page free physics textbook, does not compile properly:
\usepackage[fullfamily,textlf, opticals, swash, onlytext]{MinionPro}
\let\arc\@undefined % else conflict with ``curves.sty''
\DeclareMathAccent{\arcacc} {\mathord} {letters} {5}
\usepackage{amsmath} % allows {align}
\usepackage{bm} % makes bold math possible using \bm{...}
m{\bm{\ddot x}}= q {\bm E} + q {\bm {\dot x}} \times {\bm B}
On my TexLive 2020 system, (latex with the dvi - ps - pdf route, thus I use: latex test; dvips test; and then Distiller) ((I do not use pdflatex; my mistake)) the commands \ddot and \dot behave wrongly (they behaved correctly with TexLive 2017); they do not produce dots, but strange signs across the bold x. The culprit is amsmath; if I take it out (ignoring the error), the equation is typeset correctly. But with it, something goes wrong. (And I do need amsmath ...)
Does this happen on all systems? What can be done?
P.S. xelatex makes the same mistake. So does pdflatex. This is some package incompatibility.
P.P.S. I used tracingmacros=1 with and without amsmath and compared the 2 files. The latex code was just this, even simpler equation:
m{\boldsymbol{\ddot x}}
The main difference (of the two 400kByte log files) is probably this part:
< \ddot ->\protect \mathaccentV {ddot}104
> \ddot ->\protect \ddot
> \ddot ->\mathaccentV {ddot}07F
< \bm@command ->\mathaccent 30724
> \bm@command ->\mathaccent 30591
< \bm@command ->\mathaccent 30724 \mathchar 31096
> \bm@command ->\mathaccent 30591 \mathchar 31096
It seems that \ddot is mapped to different mathaccents in the two cases...
P.P.P.S. I have several hundred eps figures, use psfrag and use raw postscript code. I also use the wonderful MinionMath fonts, the microtype package with many details, and a 5000 line long cls file. It seems that the latex command is getting outdated. Should I switch to XeLateX? Or to Luatex? I would be interested in hearing the thoughts and advice of the Pros...
and the Minion Math commercial OpenType font. You might also need to redefine\bm