I want to have a slide that looks as follows:
- At the top, I'd like to have a theorem statement in a tcbtheorem environment I've defined.
- Below that, I'd like, after some vertical spacing, two columns of the following form.
- The first row must have each element be a tcolorbox of the form I've defined; further, each of these should be able to hold a couple of lines of text in them, while not getting too wide (so they might have somewhat larger height than a box that has only line of text).
- The subsequent rows should be tcolorboxes with a more plain look than those in the first row (I'd like to be able to customize these; so essentially, I'm asking for a different style in these rows).
- I want the entire matrix to be revealed in the order: (row1, col1), (row1, col2), (row2, col1), (row2, col2), etc.
So far, I've managed to achieve very few of these goals. I'd really appreciate any help.
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\newtcbtheorem[]{mylemmma}{Lemma}{colframe=green,colback=white, width=\textwidth}{lem}
\tcbset{colframe=green, colback=white}
\newtcbtheorem[]{mydef}{Problem Statement}{colframe=white, colback=white}{ps}
\tcbset{colframe=black, colback=white}
\begin{mylemmma}{theorem title}{thm}
For any fixed iteration,
f(x+a)\approx f(x) + f'(x)(a) + 1/2 f''(z) (a^2)
\begin{tikzpicture}[optimization problem/.style = {%
rounded corners,
draw = blue,
fill= white,
inner ysep=5pt,
inner xsep=5pt,
align = center},
\matrix[matrix of nodes,row sep=1em,column sep=1em,
visible on=<\pgfmatrixcurrentrow->,},
column 1/.style={nodes={optimization problem,
column 2/.style={nodes={optimization problem,
alt=<-\the\numexpr\pgfmatrixcurrentcolumn-1>{opacity=0,text opacity=0}{},
vectors & matrices\\
reason 1 & matrix reason 1\\
reason 2 & matrix reason 2\\