In the Companion 2nd Edition Table 4.2 shows page geometry values for various font sizes of the letterpaper paper size. These differ sometimes substantially from current values of the standard classes. Is the Companion wrong here or did the values change over the years, if they did what prompted this change?
I took the liberty to take an image of the table for convenience which is shown below:
I also include a MWE for experimentation for those interested to print the values:
\def\aspectratio{\pgfmathparse{\paperheight/\paperwidth} \pgfmathresult}
paperwidth \the\paperwidth\\
paperheight \the\paperheight\\
theheadheight \the\headheight\\
theheadsep \the\headsep\\
thetopmargin \the\topmargin\\
theoddsidemargin \the\oddsidemargin\\
thetextwidth \the\textwidth\\
themarginparsep \the\marginparsep\\
themarginparwidth \the\marginparwidth\\
themarginpush \the\marginparpush\\
thevoffset \the\voffset
thefootskip \the\footskip\\
aspect ratio \aspectratio\\
topskip \the\topskip\\
voffset \the\voffset\\
hoffset \the\hoffset\\
topmargin \the\topmargin}
Of interest is the values of \topmargin
, which other classes normally set to a negative value. Also IMHO the use of ditto in the table is very unusual.