By default there are keys for loops left, right, above and below, but one can easily define a version for arbitrary angles, which allows one to modify also the opening angles and looseness, which controls how "long" the loop is.
\begin{tikzpicture}[angle loop/.style={out=#1+30,in=#1-30,loop,looseness=15},
>={Stealth[bend]},auto,every state/.append style={minimum size=1.5em}]
\node[state] (A){};
\node[state,right=2cm of A] (B){};
\path[->] (A) edge[angle loop=180,"{$(1,0)$}"] (A)
(A) edge["{$(0,1)$}"] (B)
(B) edge[angle loop=60,"{$(0,0)$}"] (B)
(B) edge[angle loop=-60,"{$(1,1)$}"] (B);