I am using the package acro and I store all the definition in a file:


It works perfectly using \ac{bla}.

Now, I would like to have always colorful acronyms along with the whole document, with no need to go thought all the definitions I have inserted. Is there a simple way of doing it?

(for example I know I can always do \textcolor{blue}{\ac{bla}}. However, the solution is unfeasible with the huge document I have. Another solution is to use a python script to surround every \ac{..} with textcolor. I would avoid the last solution if there exist another way)

2 Answers 2


You have two ways:

  1. If you want to have acronyms of different colors (and to color only the long or the short) you can color it in the definition
  2. If you want to color all the acronyms in the same way you can define a new command which calls \ac inside a \textcolor


    short = CD ,
    long  = \textcolor{blue}{compact disc}

    short = CD ,
    long  = compact disc


   Test1: \ac{cd1}.\\
   Test2: \myac{cd2}.

You can also redefine the \ac command:

  • 1
    the last option is the one I was looking for!
    – Leos313
    Commented Jun 3, 2020 at 13:41

You can add any color you want either individually for a certain acronym or for all acronyms using the options short-format, long-format or format (there are more options, please see the manual for all details).



  short = CD1 ,
  long  = compact disc one ,
  format = \textcolor{blue}

  short = CD2 ,
  long  = compact disc two

  short = CD3 ,
  long  = compact disc three

  format = \textcolor{green}


\ac{cd1} \ac{cd2} \ac{cd3} \par
\ac{cd1} \ac{cd2} \ac{cd3}


enter image description here

  • is there a way of having the acronyms "cliccable"?
    – Leos313
    Commented Jun 3, 2020 at 13:54
  • 3
    @Leos313 yes, check the acro manual for hyperref support
    – cgnieder
    Commented Jun 3, 2020 at 13:55

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